reported speech 30 zdań proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
) he is ill moja odp: He said that he was ill
2)I don't like physics moja odp: he said that he didn't like physics
3)it is wrong to lie or cheat
4)john is divorced
5) i am not sleeping well
6)Jane is having some serious problem now.
7)the children are beign very naughty today
8)we have lived here since 1980
9)The sun rises in the east
10)i have shown little enthusiasm
11) i did a lot of hausework yesterday
12) we invited our firends to the party last week
13) He was inprisoned the next day after the murder
14)More has been written about a child than at any age of man
15)I will have a work at it tommorow .
miales sam zrobic. Podobno nie szukasz frajerow.
robie wlasnie
1)he said that he was ill
2)he said that he didn't like physics
3)he said that was wrong lie or cheat
4)he said that John was divorced
5)he said that he wasn't sleeping well
6)she said that Jane was having some serious problem then
7)She said that The children were beign very naughty that day
8)he said that they had lived there sience 1980
9) she said that the sun rise in the east
10)he said that he had shown little enthusiasm
11)he said that he had done a lot of hause work in the previous day
12)They said that they had invited our friends to the pasty in the previous week
13)she said that he had been inprison(ing)?? in the following day after the murder.
14)she siad that More had been writting about child than at any age of man.
15)he said that he would have a work it tommorow.

Narazie 15 proszę bardzo o sprawdzenie i korekte;) pozdrawiam
pomimo twojej ponadgodzinnej pracy, efektow wciaz nie widac. a po co zakladasz nowy temat?
1)he said that he was ill
2)he said that he didn't like physics
3)he said that was wrong lie or cheat
4)he said that John was divorced
5)he said that he wasn't sleeping well
6)she said that Jane was having some serious problem then
7)She said that The children were beign very naughty that day
8)he said that they had lived there sience 1980
9) she said that the sun rise in the east
10)he said that he had shown little enthusiasm
11)he said that he had done a lot of hause work in the previous day
12)They said that they had invited our friends to the pasty in the previous week
13)she said that he had been inprison(ing)?? in the following day after the murder.
14)she siad that More had been writting about child than at any age of man.
15)he said that he would have a work it tommorow.

Narazie 15 proszę bardzo o sprawdzenie i korekte;) pozdrawiam
o, a jednak cos zrobiles.

nastepujace zdania sa niepoprawne (na literowki nie zwracam uwagi):

>3)he said that was wrong lie or cheat
pomysl co jest zle

>9) she said that the sun rise in the east
pomysl co jest zle

>11)he said that he had done a lot of hause work the previous day
bez "in" (samo "the previous day")

12)They said that they had invited our friends to the pasty the previous week
j/w + oni powiedzieli ze zaprosili NASZYCH znajomych?

>13)she said that he had been iMprisonED the following day after the murder.

>14)she siad that More had been writting about child than at any age of
to jest calkowicie bez sensu. 'more' to nie jest imie - wiesz co oznacza zdanie wyjsciowe?

>15)he said that he would have a work it tommorow.
'tomorrow' jest zle
Wiec w pierwszych 2 zdaniach których Pan poprawił nie znam odpowiedzi poprawnej, chodzi może o podmiot(osobe)??

Zdanie wyjsciowe pierwsze słysze
troche pomoge:

>3)he said that IT was wrong TO lie or cheat

>9) she said that the sun rise (l. mn czy poj?) in the east
dziekuje SiuniaB!
Pakk w 9 powinna być 2 forma od rise czyli rose?
moze byc:

She said the sun riseS in the east
She said the sun rose in the east
a w 12 zamiast our bedzie Their ??
a oto reszta ;) ja robie wy sprawdzacie ;)
16)I will have a look at it tommorow.
17)They will be punished if they miss the lecture
18)I' have lost my umbrella
19)The earth moves around the sun.
20)I will visit uncle John tonight.
21)I hope you have some (chyba influance) on your friends
22)i have never been in this building
23)I felt dizzy yesterday
24)I am fine, I weight 40 pounds less, and I don't smoke two pack's of cigarettes a day( Z tym prosił bym o wieklą pomoc)
25)I wish I were healthy
26)I was writing a report from 8 yo 11 last night
27)I will have completede this task by tommorow
28)I can play the piano
29)your story was impressive
30) She may not know about this incident

o 19:00 zaczne robić//ide uczyć sie historii
pozdrawiam !
a oto reszta ;) ja robie wy sprawdzacie ;)
16)I will have a look at it tommorow.
17)They will be punished if they miss the lecture
18)I' have lost my umbrella
19)The earth moves around the sun.
20)I will visit uncle John tonight.
21)I hope you have some (chyba influance) on your friends
22)i have never been in this building
23)I felt dizzy yesterday
24)I am fine, I weight 40 pounds less, and I don't smoke two pack's of cigarettes a day( Z tym prosił bym o wieklą pomoc)
25)I wish I were healthy
26)I was writing a report from 8 yo 11 last night
27)I will have completede this task by tommorow
28)I can play the piano
29)your story was impressive
30) She may not know about this incident

o 19:00 zaczne robić//ide uczyć sie historii
pozdrawiam !
tak, w 12. their

i w 9., przynajmniej wg tego, co mowia podreczniki, 'She said the sun riseS in the east' (jest to fakt, ktorego czas nie zmienia - podobnie jak z kreceniem sie Ziemi wokol Slonca itp.)

jesli chodzi o zdanie wyjsciowe (=poczatkowe):
>14)More has been written about a child than at any age of man
Czy rozumiesz to zdanie?
16)He said that he would have a look at it the following day
17)they said that they would be punish(ing??) if they miss the lecture
16)He said that he would have a look at it the following day
17)they said that they would be punish(ing??) if they miss the lecture
16)He said that he would have a look at it the following day
17)they said that they would be punish(ing??) if they miss the lecture
16)He said that he would have a look at it the following day
17)they said that they would be punish(ing??) if they miss the lecture
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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