prosze o sprawdzenie kilku zdań :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
witam, prosze o sprawdzenie tych kilku zdań i poprawienie bledow o ile takowe sie pojawią, a jestem pewna ze tak ;)
lot of people think that when they will have 18years old then will be independent and able to decide about their life. to be really adult is not depending on the age, more important thing is the way how you look at the world for example somebody who has 17 years old can be more mature than somebody who has 18 or 19 years old. It is not your age responsible for your behaviour but your brain, what are you whinking and how you manage with your problems. how many of yours are enjoying your 18th birthday because you are thinking then you can fo what you want.
z gory dziekuje :)
"will have 18 years old"
po ang. nie pisze sie tak, to jest kalka z polskiego

LotS of people think that when they REACH THE AGE OF 18 then (kto?) will be independent and able to MAKE deciSIONS about their liVeS. To (be really AN adult...kol slow) is not dependENT on age, BUT more important is how you look at the world. For example, somebody [who has 17 years old...popraw] can be more mature than somebody who [has 18 or 19 years old...popraw]. It is not your age THAT is not responsible for your behaviour, but your brain i.e. what are you thinking and how you manage your problems. How many of [yours are enjoying your 18th birthday because you are thinking then you can fo what you want...po pracuj dalej].


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