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It's common knowledge that the status of English as an international language is long established and, for the foreseeable future, unlikely to be greatly changed. The influence of English on native languages is visible in many areas and caused by various factors. There is no denying the fact that in those interactions a crucial role is played by culture contact. In times of industrial revolution British predominance paved the way for a colonialism and contributed to the spread of the English language in the world. Nowadays, we can talk about the so called information superhighway. Thanks to modern technologies that enable us to get our messages across worldwide ,the world has evolved into a global village. As far as globalisation is concerned the necessity of the existence of universal language occurs. Worldwide, the society depends entirely on English when it comes to the business and science.The same goes for such fields as modern technology. The Internet is called alike almost everywhere -even the pronunciation doesn't differ. Not only well-educated,but even the hoi polloi make use of English. A simple example of "ok" confirms us in belief that English is omnipresent. We make use of it on daily basis. I suppose that without borrowings from this language our level of fluency would significantly change. Without anglicism such as weekend, radio, sport our range of vocabulary would decrease . Simultaneously we could have serious problems with expressing our thoughts.
To sum up, English language is recognized as undoubtedly the most important language all over the globe and its expansion in the world of today is inevitable.
Będę bardzo wdzięczna jeśli ktoś rzuci na to okiem. Najbardziej zależy mi na zwróceniu uwagi na przedimki, z którymi mam nieco problemów. Z góry dziękuję za pomoc.
zaraz ci zrobie
wielkie dzięki;)
It's common knowledge that the status of English as an international language is long established and, for the foreseeable future, unlikely to be greatly changed. The influence of English on native languages is visible in many areas and caused by various factors. There is no denying the fact that in those interactions (ktore?) a crucial role is played by culturAL contact. [sentence construction here is a little awkward, you may consider changing it] DURING THE time of THE industrial revolution, [proper noun usually capitalized] British predominance paved the way for colonialism and contributed to the spread of the English language (lepiej: throughout) the world. Nowadays, we can talk about the so called information superhighway. (somewhat "choppy" transition) Thanks to modern technologies that enable us to get our messages across [the globe..avoids double use of "world"] ,the world has evolved into a global village. As far as globalisation is concerned(,) the necessity of the existence of A universal language occurs (awkward, popracuj dalej). Worldwide, the society (ktora? wszystkie?) depends ALMOST entirely on English when it comes to business and science.The same goes for such fields as modern technology (fields (l. mn), only cited one example). The Internet [is called alike..awkward, popracuj dalej] almost everywhere -even the pronunciation doesn't differ. Not only well-educated (co? people? ),but ALSO the hoi polloi make use of English. A simple example of THE EXPRESSION "ok" confirms THE belief that English is omnipresent. We make use of it on A daily basis. I suppose that without borrowings from this language our (kogo?) level of fluency (nie podoba mi sie to slowo) would significantly change. Without anglicismS such as weekend, radio, sport our range of vocabulary would decrease . Simultaneously(,) we could have serious problems with expressing our thoughts.
To sum up, THE English language is recognized as undoubtedly the most important language all over the globe and its expansion in the world of today is inevitable.

Aside: you may want to incorporate the expression "lingua franca" into your essay.
Thanks a lot for your help!
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