sprawdzenie - mowa zależna

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I don't know what Fred is doing.
MZ: He said that he did not knew what Fred was doing.

I saw Helen at a Party in June and she seemed fine.
MZ: He said that he had seen Helen at a Party in June and she had seen fine.

You can come and stay at my flat if you are ever in London.
MZ: He said that I could come and star at my flat if I was ever in London.

My car was stolen few weeks ago.
MZ: He said that his car had been stolen few weeks ago before.

I'll tell Ann I saw you.
MZ: He said that he would tell Ann he had seen me.

I want to go on holiday but I can't afford it.
MZ: He said that he wanted to go on holiday but he coludn't afford it.

Napiszcie co gdzie jest źle z góry dzięki!
I saw Helen at a Party in June and she seemed fine.
MZ: He said that he had seen Helen at a Party in June and she had seen fine.

seen to inny czasownik

You can come and stay at my flat if you are ever in London.
MZ: He said that I could come and star at my flat if I was ever in London.

'my' jest źle - zastanów się

My car was stolen few weeks ago.
MZ: He said that his car had been stolen few weeks ago before.

ago before = temu wcześniej. Poza tym tam na pewno było 'a few"
I don't know what Fred is doing.
MZ: He said that he did not KNOW what Fred was doing.

I saw Helen at a Party in June and she seemed fine.
MZ: He said that he had seen Helen at a Party in June and she had SEEMED fine. [albo SAW... SEEMED]

You can come and stay at my flat if you are ever in London.
MZ: He said that I could come and staY at HIS flat if I was ever in London.

My car was stolen A few weeks ago.
MZ: He said that his car had been stolen A few weeks before. {bez AGO}

I'll tell Ann I saw you.
MZ: He said that he would tell Ann he had seen me.

I want to go on holiday but I can't afford it.
MZ: He said that he wanted to go on holiday but he COULDN'T afford it.
ty, no i co zyskales? Dzieki za poprawke w pierwszym zdaniu, ale dlaczego traktujesz pytajaca jak idiotke, ktora sama nie dojdzie do prawidlowych odpowiedzi?
jakby miała do czegoś dojść, to 5h by jej na to starczyło xD
>jakby miała do czegoś dojść, to 5h by jej na to starczyło xD

Niekoniecznie. Nie każdy siedzi ciągle przed komputerem. Gdybyś mnie popsuł zabawę (bo ja bardzo lubię dochodzić sama do rozwiązań i traktuję to właśnie jak zabawę) w ten sposób jak to zrobiłeś teraz, nie byłabym ci wdzięczna.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie