Speech do sprawdzenia:>

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie mojego speechu:D
powiedzcie jakie błędy popełniłem i co musze poprawić!

Earth is a very important thing so we shlould take care of. People must life more ecology becouse our industry and cities destroy atmosthere, ground etc.
First problem is green-house effect that meens temperature on Earth is still higher and higher. We can prevent this effect for example we can limit gases from factories and reduce the use of energy.
Second problem is air pollution that meens chemicals pollute air! We can reduce air polution for example we can use public transport instead of car.
Third problem is acid rains that meens chemicals drop with rain and destroy forest and monuments. We can prevent acid rain for example we can stop use car and ride bike or walk. We must limit city pollution
Fourth problem is rubbish- people don't convertrubbish ang build big dumping site. We can reduce rubbishfor example we can sort rubbish into glass, plastic, paper and metal
Fifth but not last problem is cutting down forest for wood and paper.
If we cut down forest quantity(ilość?) oxygene in atmosphere were less. We can reduce cutting down forest for example we can recycle paper or we can replant forest.
People destroy Earth every day. If we adopt my advices we can change our planet for clearier


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