>A lot of people are deciding take on a job abroad 'in the' (napisz to wg ang gramatyki) vacation.
What makes 'that' (nie rozumiem z czy to 'that' ma byc?) people are deciding (tu cos brakuje) leave their family? there are 'many reason' (dlaczego l. poj w 'reason') which (tu cos brakuje) 'deciding' (nie jestem pewna ze to dobre slowo tutaj) about this. I will present advantages and the defects (tu cos brakuje) a job abroad.
Firstly the people have the possibility of 'quick earning' (ale czego?-cos to za bardzo kolokw dla mnie) . The people are seeking the possibility of fast earnings 'becouse' (to slowo tak sie nie pisze, naucz sie tego na pamiec i popraw) they don't have a lot of money for (tu cos brakuje) holidays. Secondly the people have (tu cos brakuje) possibility to visit new places. 'We' (dlaczego najpierw 'they' a twraz 'we' czy o mnie tez tutaj piszesz?) can also meet a lot of new people and to learn foreign languages. Finally, 'you' (napierw they, pozniej we a teraz you?) can earn more money 'then' (zle slowo) in your own country 'in' (pomysl co chcesz napisac) holidays.
On the other hand 'the' A job abroad 'have' (zle-popraw) many defects. the first
'poblem' (ortog) 'on' (zle sloow-popraw) 'the' A job abroad is separation 'with' (kalka z polskiego-popraw) family.
Another problem is 'Necessity' (dlaczego duza litera?) to know foreign languages.
it is 'the' (niepotr) 'offen' (ortog) (tu cos brakuje) problem 'on' (nie rozumiem tego - tutaj inne slowo) a job abroad.
on the whole 'the' (dlaczego uzyles 'the' tutaj) working during the holidays has more advantages than 'the' (niepotr) defects, so the best way to combine going on holiday and earning money is to go abroad.