Krótkie summary sprawdzenie

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Mam ogromną prośbę do osób bieglej poslugujących się j. angielskim niż ja o sprawdzenie tego któtkiego streszczenia artykulu.

Responsible Leadership: Leader's Ethics
The purpose of this article is to answer the question: what is a responsible leadership and what is the role of leaders in this phenomenon building? The main qualities of leaders which cause that leadership become responsible are presented here because still to little authors pay attention to ethical and responsible conduct which should be the most important dimension of leadership. Leaders are responsible in many dimensions but their mental maturity and imagination are always needed. They aren’t responsible only for results of work, making a decision, employee safety, the environment or the air. Their responsibility exceeds beyond their official duties because they are also responsible as humans.

Z góry wielkie dzięki.
Responsible Leadership: Leader's Ethics
The purpose of this article is to answer the question: what is responsible leadership and what is the role of leaders in this [phenomenon building..cos tu nie gra, nie rozumiem co chcesz powiedziec]? The main qualities of RESPONSIBLE leaders (albo leadership) are presented here because still toO authors pay attention to ethical and responsible conduct which should be the most important dimension of leadership. Leaders are responsible in many dimensions but (their..nie podoba mi to slowo, ale nie mam kontekstu) mental maturity and imagination are always needed. TheIR RESPONSIBILITIES ARE NOT (ONLY)LIMITED TO
Naprawdę bardzo dziękuję za wskazówki...

1. phenomenon building-mam na myśli "w tworzeniu tego zjawiska" (przywództwa odpowiedzialnego).
2. może zamiast too little użyć "few", chodzi mi o podkreślenie, że niewielu autorów zwraca na to uwagę.
3. but their mantal maturity... zamiast "but" mialo być AND :)"their" mialo wskazywać na liderów tzn. że ICH mental maturity itd.
4. The air - może the air pollution napisać? (znieczyszczone powietrze?)
2. może zamiast too little użyć "few", chodzi mi o podkreślenie, że niewielu autorów zwraca na to uwagę.
FEW jest ok
3. but their mantal maturity... zamiast "but" mialo być AND :)"their" mialo wskazywać na liderów tzn. że ICH mental maturity itd.
mental (nie potr) maturity.
slowo maturity wystarcza

4. The air - może the air pollution napisać? (znieczyszczone powietrze?)
lepiej air "quality"

1. dalej zastanawiam sie
3. perhaps maturity of thought/judgement or psychological maturity? (as opposed to physical maturity)?

1. the creation of this phenomenon / creating this phenomenon?
maturity - dla mnie troche "nie zgrabne" slowo

Premier/President X was a mature??? leader (ugh)

what are desirable qualities/traits in a leader?
someone who is thoughtful, exhibits good judgement, fair itd

nigdy nie kojarzy mi "mature", chyba tylko w trzeciej klasie :)

1. good suggestions pakk
Jeszcze raz dziękuję za pomoc !!! Myślę, że teraz po poprawkach bedzie już ok. Pozdrawiam!
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


FCE - sesja wiosna 2010


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