Temat: kilka zdań do sprawdzenia must,mustn't and

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie lub ewentualne dopisku. O życiu w domu z tymi wyrażeniami j.w.

At home I mustn't get up early on Saturday because it is day off.
At home I mustn't tidy and clean my room because my mother will do this for me.

At home I must help my brother in his homework.
At home I must repair a lots of technical stuff.

I needn't a lot of stuff because my best friend is my family.
I needn't a pool because I have a large shower.
>At home I 'mustn't' (to jest zle, podpowiem, ale tylko dlatego, ze wierze, ze nauczysz sie tego i drugi raz blednie nie napiszesz...tutaj masz na mysli..DO NOT HAVE TO get up early on Saturday because it is (tu cos brakuje) day off.
At home I 'mustn't' (j/w) tidy and clean my room because my mother will do
this for me.

At home I must repair 'a' (nie rozumiem uzycia 'a' jak mamy rzecz. w l. mn.) lots of technical stuff.
I 'needn't' (to jest zle - napisales I need not a lot of stuff- tego nawet nie rozumiem) a lot of stuff because my best friend is my family.
I (tu cos brakuje) 'needn't' (popraw) a pool because I have a large shower.


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