Opis obrazków- proszę o sprawdzenie.

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Dzięki za poświęcenie czasu:)
1. In the picture I can see a young boy standing in the street of some city. The boy is wearing a blue jacket, red jumper with hood, black trainers and dark trousers. He is very smiling and he looking happy. It seems to me that he going to school because he has a purple rucksack. In the background I can see a yellow, big bus. We can see, that it is happen the summer because the weather is fine. The picture inspires the viewer to think about his childhood.

2. In the picture I can see two women. The photo was taken in office. First women has a black hair and she is wearing black costume. Maybe she is a boss. Second women has a blond hair and she is wearing yellow jacket. She is sitting by the desk. On the desk is many pencil, important paper and gold fish. They are talking together and working now. In the background is a second brown desk and man. The place look very comfortable and has a nice atmosphere.

3. In the picture I can see young women walking in the street of some city. The women is wearing a light? (jasny) coat and she holding red suitcase. She has a blond, short hair. It look like she is thinking about something. Maybe she hurried to work and she is a very busy person. It might be city center because in the background I can see high building. The weather is cloudy and I suppose it must be very cold.
He is very smiling and he looking happy.

1) "cheerful" zamiast "smiling" albo zrezygnuj z "is very" i poraw czas w "to smile".
nie "he looking"
2) It seems to me that he going - "he going"? cos brakuje
3) In the background I can see a yellow, big bus. (czy na pewno potrzebny przecinek?).
4) that it is happen the summer - tu cos nie tak z: "happen" a miedzy "happen" a "the summer" czegos brakuje

5) In the picture I can see two women - Dla odmiany mozna napisac: "I can see two women in the picture"
6) in office - czegos brakuje pomiedzy
7) wearing black costume - czegos brakuje pomiedzy "wearing "i "black"
8) On the desk is many pencil - To zdanie trzeba zaczac inaczej, i "is many"? napewno? is to l.poj. a "many" raczej nie :)
9) and gold fish - jesli liczba pojed. to czegos brakuje miedzy and i gold; jesli mnoga, to tez
10) In the background is a second brown desk and man - zacznij od There is a in the background na koniec.
11) The place look - the place to 3 osoba l.poj. brakuje czegos
12) czy miejsce moze "miec" atmosfere w jez. ang?
13) see young women - czegos brakuje
14) hmmm, chyba walking down the street, nie in the street
15) a light? (jasny) coat - tak, mozna uzyc tego slowa
16) she holding - cos brakuje
17) she holding - bez przecinka
18) It look - brakuje cos :)
19) she hurried - napewno ten czas? co chcialas/es powiedziec?
20) be city - cos brakuje po miedzy
Auć:P Chciałam powiedzieć, że się bardzo śpieszy (she hurried) :D
w takim razie: "she is in a hurry"
Dzięki za sprawdzenie. To widzę, że czeka mnie jeszcze dużo pracy:)
Nie za duzo - do porawki tylko drobiazgi :)
Jesli utkniesz gdzies daj znac. Dzis jeszcze przez 20 min. Jak nie dzis to jutro ;)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.