Proszę o sprawdzenie rozprawki

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witajcie! Proszę was o sprawdzenie mojej rozprawki na temat posiadania zwierzaka.

Pet is a domesticated animal kept for companionship or amusement. This group includes all kinds of cats, dogs, hamster, guinea pigs, parrots and many others. Hundred years ago having a pet is rarity, but nowadays it is commonly found. Today, having a pet is so trendy.
The most important advantage of having a pet is entertainment. Pet everytime keeps man's company. Pets can't speak, but they express their feelings by body language.For instance wag a tail.
It is often belived that having a pet learn responsibility. Owner bears responsibility for theri pet. Care of animals will help peaople in being reliable.
The main disadvantage of having a pet is difficult transport. Even you want to travel for long time you must take it with you.
Another drawback is cost of living Every creatures has to eat and excrete. The owner should buy feed and clean up after his pet.
All in all, having a pet is good experienced. In my opinion the positive points outweighs the negative ones.

Błędów jest na pewno sporo, ale trudne jest dla mnie napisanie rozprawki o max ilości słów 150 ;/. Chciałem ująć wszystkie najważniejsze fakty, ale chyba niezbyt dobrze mi to wyszło.

Z góry dziękuję za jakąkolwiek pomoc =]
a co z przedimkami?

(tu cos brakuje) pet is a domesticated animal kept for companionship or amusement.
This group includes all kinds of cats, dogs, 'hamster' (dlaczego to jest w l. poj, a wszystkie inne w l. mn?), guinea pigs, parrots and many others. (tu cos brakuje) hundred years ago having a pet 'is' (tutaj w czasiw przeszlym) (tu cos brakuje) rarity, but nowadays it is commonly found.
'Pet everytime keeps man's company' (to zdanie jest nioezgrabne, tak jak kobieta z krzywymi nogami, zrob to inaczej...).
For instance (tu cos brakuje) wagGING a tail.
It is often 'belived' (ortog) that having a pet 'learn' (zle slowo, naucz sie tego, tutaj TEACHES, ...we learn, but something/somebody TEACHES us) responsibility. (tu cos brakuje) owner bears (tu cos brakuje) responsibility for 'theri' (ortog) pet. Care of animals 'will' (niepotr) helpS 'peaople' (ortog) in being reliable.
The main disadvantage of having a pet is 'difficult' (zla czesc zdania, tutaj 'transport nie jest difficult', ale transporting a pet is difficult', staraj sie pisac, to o co chodzi) transport. Even (tu cos brakuje) you want to travel for long time you must take 'it' (na biednygo malenkiego pieska mowisz 'it'- napisz 'your pet') with you.
Another drawback is (tu cos brakuje) cost of living.
The owner should buy 'feed' FOOD and clean up after his pet.
All in all, having a pet is (tu cos brakuje) good 'experienced' (zla czesc zdania, tutaj potrzeba rzeczownika) In my opinion the positive points 'outweighs' (points' to tutaj 'outweight') the negative ones.
A pet is a domesticated animal kept for companionship or amusement.
This group includes all kinds of cats, dogs, hamsters , guinea pigs, parrots and many others. One hundred years ago having a pet was (tu cos brakuje- nie mam pojęcia czego ;/) rarity, but nowadays it is commonly found.
Pet is often playmate in fun.
For instance the wagging a tail.
It is often believed that having a pet teaches us responsibility. The owner bears a responsibility for their pet. Care of animals helpS people in being reliable.
The main disadvantage of having a pet is transport. Transporting a pet is difficult. Even if you want to travel for long time you must take your pet with you.
Another drawback is a cost of living.
The owner should buy food and clean up after his pet.
All in all, having a pet is a good experience. In my opinion the positive points outweight the negative ones.

W większości poprawione, ale do niektórych podpowiedzi to mam wątpliwości.
One hundred years ago having a pet was A rarity, but nowadays it is
commonly found.
A pet is often A playmate 'in' (co to tutaj robi? ma byc FOR fun.
For instance 'the' BY wagging a tail.
Even if you want to travel for A long time you must take your pet with you.
Another drawback is 'a' THE cost of living.
p.s. do ktorych podpowiedzi masz watpliwosci?
chodziło mi o słowo " rarity" . Po prostu byłem pewien ,że to nie jest rzeczownik i nie dajemy tam "a/an". Ale teraz już zrozumiałem swój błąd =]

danke za pomoc !