Rozmowa kwalifikacyjna - sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
byłabym bardzo wdzięczna, gdby mógł mi ktoś dzisiaj sprawdzić ten oto dialog, mający przedstawiać rozmowę kwalifikacyjną. Moja gramatyka dosyć kuleje, więc sprawdzenie na pewno się przyda. Z góry serdecznie dziękuję :)

- Good Morning.
- Good Morning, sit down, please. Can I help You?
- I have found announce in newspaper so I want to get a job as a museum guide.
- Excellent, Could You tell me where are you living and tell Your name, please?
- I was born in Tychy, it’s a city In Silesia but now I’m living in Cracow, because I study here. My name is XY
- So, What experience do You have? Have You ever worked in any profession before?
- I have been working at holiday as a casual guide in a local heritage park. At weekends, I work in a mcDonald’s restaurant.
- It’s very good, but you should pass a professional course. To get this job, you should have a knowledge about art. Do You Have any knowledge about painters and sculptors?
- Yes. Now I study history of art at Jagiellonian University. I have started a three years ago and it’s my last year at University. I am one of the best in my group.
- To get this job, you should know a some foreign language, because our museum is visited by foreigners very often. How many languages do You speak?
- I speak English very well, but I don’t know any others languages. I know sign language, because my brother is deaf.
- Excelent! It’s very useful! Why do you think , you will be a good guide? What is your character?
- Well, I am very affable, sociable and I know a lot of curiosities about art, because it is my passion.
- It’s very well. And Could you tell me something about Your other hobbies?
- I like painting and traveling. I’m into photography and monument maintenance.
- Do you have any questions, You would like to ask?
- Yes, I want to ask, about salary. If I get this job, How much I will earn?
- In tourist season the rate is 2500 zł for a month in a full time job.
- Thank you very much.
- Thank you. I will get in touch tomorrow. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Halo, czy nikt mi nie pomoże?
Nie do końca potrafię Ci pomóc no ale tak:

"Why do you think , you will be a good guide" , "Do you have any questions, You would like to ask?" i "I want to ask, about salary"- tu z pewnością nie ma być przecinka

I będąc bardziej czepliwym - dialogi angielskie pisze się bez pauz a z 'cudzyslowiami'.

Jak dla mnie ok, ale nie znam tematu więc poczekaj aż ktoś kto się zna Ci to sprawdzi pod względem słownym ;)