Connecting words - sprawdzenie i wyjaśnienie...

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Cześć! Proszę o sprawdzenie paru przekształconych zdań, w tym także prosiłabym o spr przecinków, bo tak szczerze mówiąc za bardzo nie wiem kiedy je się stawia...:)

1. Joe paid for everything. He didn't pay for the taxi. (apart from)
-> Apart from paying for the taxi, Joe paid for everything.
2. We wanted to go to Canada. The flight was too expensive. (however)
-> We wanted to go to Canada, however, the flight was too expensive.
3. Ann went out for a run. It was raining. (despite)
-> Despite the rain Ann went out for a run.
4. I went for a walk. I dind't watch TV. (instead of)
-> Instead of watching TV I went for a walk
5. He stayed up late. He dind't have to work the next day. (as)
-> He stayed up late as he didn't have to work the next day.
-> The match was called off. The weather was bad. (due to)
Due to the bad weather the match was called off.
7. Most people don't understand. I'll explain it again.(since)
-> Since most people don't understand, I'll explain it again.
8. We enjoyed the film. It was very long. (even though)
-> We enjoyed the film, even though it was very long.

Mam jeszcze dwa pytania.

1) Wiem, że "apart from" znaczy "oprócz", ale jak należy przetłumaczyć to słówko w tym zdaniu?:

Apart from looking a bit shocked, Goma gave no other sign that there was something wrong.

2) Dlaczego w tym zdaniu powinno być "since" zamiast "due to"?:

Nevertheless Mr Goma is now demand as a celebrity, SINCE hundreds of thousands of people have now watched his television appearance online.

Z góry bardzo dziękuję za pomoc :)
>1. Joe paid for everything. He didn't pay for the taxi. (apart from)
>-> Apart from paying for the taxi, Joe paid for everything. OK
>2. We wanted to go to Canada. The flight was too expensive. (however)
>-> We wanted to go to Canada. However, the flight was too
>3. Ann went out for a run. It was raining. (despite)
>-> Despite the rain, Ann went out for a run.
>4. I went for a walk. I dind't watch TV. (instead of)
>-> Instead of watching TV, I went for a walk.
>5. He stayed up late. He dind't have to work the next day. (as)
>-> He stayed up late as he didn't have to work the next day. OK
>-> The match was called off. The weather was bad. (due to)
>Due to {} bad weather, the match was called off.
>7. Most people don't understand. I'll explain it again.(since)
>-> Since most people don't understand, I'll explain it again. OK
>8. We enjoyed the film. It was very long. (even though)
>-> We enjoyed the film, even though it was very long. OK


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie