prosze o sprawdzenie kilku zadań

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dodam kilka zadań, które są mi potrzebne na speaking. Miała bym do Was ogromną prośbę, żebyście mi to sprawdzili. Nie jestem dobra z angielskiego, więc pewnie porobiłam sporo błędów, ale jeżeli ktoś byłby tak dobry i poświęcił trochę czasu to będę wdzięczna jest mi to bardzo potrzebne.

1)Praepare a dialogue following the chart below.

A; Greet B. Sugest meeting up in town

B; Agree. Ask what time

A; reply

B; Agree. Suggest a place to meet.

A; Agree. Ask for a meeting point

B; Confirm time, place and meeting point

A; Agree. End conversation

B; Hello?

A; Hi Tom. It’s Gosia

B; Hi Gosia. What are you up to?

A; Nothing much. Do you fancy meeting up in town?

B; Sure. What time?

A; About four o’clock.

B; OK. Why don’t we meet at the department store: manufacture?

A; Fine. Where are we going to meet exactly? Maybe let’s meet in the coffee bar.

B; Ok. I’ll see you at four in the manufacture.

A; See you later!

2) Answer te questions

* Do you kiss/ hug people you see every day?

* Do you kiss/ hug friends and family that you haven’t seen for a few weeks?

* Do you shake hands with people when you meet them for the first time?

* Do you use any other forms of greeting (for example, a high five?)

* Yes, I kiss people which I see every day. I am greeting this way with friends from the school. * When I can't see my family or friends long I must give them a hug, because I miss them very much. * I only sometimes shake hands with people when you meet them for the first time. I am usually bowing my head. * Yes, I sometimes wink or wave.

3)Think about the customs in Poland when you visit somebody’s house a meal. Are the ideas in the box things you must do, mustn’t do or needn’t do?

in Poland you must arrive exactly on time, because we don't like laggards. In my house in my house you must take your shoes off when you enter the house, but you needn’t bring flowers. in my country you needn't eat everything that you are given, but you must eat with a knife and fork. You mustn't eat with your fingers and you mustn’t belch at the table, because it is very rude.

4Answer questions about the custom of throwing water at Easter in Poland.

1. On which day does in happen?

2. Who throws water?

3. Who do they throw water at?

4. What do you think of the festival?

In Poland, pour the water in the cast Monday. In Poland we have the tradition, that into the Easter Monday we are pouring over ourselves with water. I am not good at history that day. At me in surroundings water is pouring out everyone. I am not good at history that day. At me at home everyone are pummelling each other. Even my grandmothers are playing with us. Behind windows one can see children with smiles running and they are pouring over themselves with water. I like the Easter Monday, but one should know the moderation. I think that it is necessary to have respect to other and not to pour an elderly men.

5) Answer the questions ( nie wiem czy dobrze zrozumiałam to polecienie)

What will you do if:

1. You can’t sleep tonight?

2. It rains all weekend?

3. You can’t do your homework?

4. You feel ill tomorrow?

5. There’s nothing good on Tv this evening?

1. If i can’t sleep tonight i will read the book.

2. if It rains all weekend i will go to cinema.

3. if It you can’t do your homework I will ask my brother for help

4. if It you feel ill tomorrow I will go to the doctor's

5. if It there’s nothing good on Tv this evening I will meet with me friend.
B; OK. Why don't we meet at the department store: 'manufacture' (tego nie rozumiem, jak to jest nazwa, to powinno byc duza litera)?
B; Ok. I'll see you at four in the manufacture.

Yes, I kiss people 'which' WHOM (kiedy o ludziach to WHO albo WHOM) I see every day. I 'am greeting' GREET 'this way with friends from the school' (zla kol slow...friends from school...). When I 'can't see' (calkowicie zle...HAVEN'T SEEN my family or friends FOR A long TIME I must give them a hug, because I missED them very much. * I 'only sometimes' (zla kol slow) shake hands with people when 'you' (ale wczesniej pisalas 'I' a teraz 'you' jak to?) meet them for the first time.

In Poland you must arrive exactly on time, because 'we' (a kto to jest to 'we'-napisz dokladniej) don't like laggards. In my house 'in my house' (niepotr) you must take your shoes off when you enter the house, but you needn't bring flowers.
In Poland, 'pour' (zle slowo-calkowicie inne kojarzenie) the water 'in' (zle slowo) the 'cast' (nie za bardzo) Monday. In Poland we have 'the' A tradition, that 'into the' ON Easter Monday we 'are pouring over ourselves with water' (pokrecone i zla kol slow).
...I am not good at history that day...(nie rozumiem o co tutaj chodzi).
'At me' (zle-popraw) 'in surroundings water is pouring out everyone' (tego nawet nie rozumiem).
'I am not good at history that day' (o co tutaj chodzi - nie jestes dobra z historii?).
'At me' (zle) 'at' (po co to?) home everyone 'are' IS 'pummelling' (zle slowo) each other.
Behind windows one can see children with smiles running and they are 'pouring over themselves with water' (tego nie rozumiem). I like 'the' (niepotr) Easter Monday, but one should 'know the moderation' (ale do czego? no napisz, bo ja mam pomysly, ale ...). I think that it is necessary to have respect 'to' FOR EACH other and not 'to pour an elderly men' (tego nie rozumiem).

1. If 'i' (a dlaczego napisalas 'I' mala litera, jak dobrze wiesz, ze w jez, ang to zawsze pisane jest duza?) can't sleep tonight 'i' (popraw i nie rob podstawowych bledow, bo to mnie razi) will read 'the' (popraw) book.
2. if It rains all weekend 'i' (popraw) will go to cinema.
3. if 'It' (nie rozumiem co to slowo tutaj robi) 'you' (zle slowo) can't do 'your' (ale to przeciez ma byc, co ty zrobisz, po polsku odpowiadamy, 'mojego', a po ang. 'my') homework I will ask my brother for help
4. if 'It you' (co ty doi ch. j. wypisujesz, jak ktos sie pyta, to powinnas odpowiadac za siebie) feel ill tomorrow I will go to the doctor's
5. if 'It' (co to znowu) there's nothing good on Tv this evening I will meet with 'me' (nie, to jest zle, ma byc MY) friend.
Poprawiłam mam nadzieję, że nie ma już więcej błedów
B; Hello?
A; Hi Tom. It’s Gosia
B; Hi Gosia. What are you up to?
A; Nothing much. Do you fancy meeting up in town?
B; Sure. What time?
A; About four o’clock.
B; OK. Why don’t we meet at the department store: “Manufaktura”?
A; Fine. Where are we going to meet exactly? Maybe let’s meet in the coffee bar.
B; Ok. I’ll see you at four in the Manufaktura.
A; See you later!

2)* Yes, I kiss people whom I see every day. I am greet this way with friends from school. * When I haven’t seen my family or friends for a long time. I must give them a hug, because I missed them very much. * I only sometimes shake hands with people when I meet them for the first time. I am usually bowing my head. * Yes, I sometimes wink or wave.

3)In Poland you must arrive exactly on time, because we Poles don't like laggards. In my house you must take your shoes off when you enter the house, but you needn’t bring flowers. in my country you needn't eat everything that you are given, but you must eat with a knife and fork. You mustn't eat with your fingers and you mustn’t belch at the table, because it is very rude.

5) 1. If I can’t sleep tonight I will read a book.
2. if rains all weekend I will go to cinema.
3. if I can’t do my homework I will ask my brother for help
4. if feel ill tomorrow I will go to the doctor's
5. if there’s nothing good on Tv this evening I will meet with my friend.

A czy mógłbyś mi pomóc napisać to 4 zadanie...
Nie mogę znaleźć innego odpowiednika do "polewania się wodą"
I am not good at history that day Tutaj chciałam napisać coś w stylu, że nie znam tradycji(historii) tego dnia.
At me in surroundings water is pouring out everyone-- to miało być że w moim otoczeniu każdy się leje wodą. Chciałam też napisać coś w stylu że lubię Lany poniedziałek, ale denerwuje mnie jak młodzi ludzie nie szanują innych i polewają ich wodą, np. z okien. Ale nie umiem tego napisać po angielsku i nie mogłam znaleźć łatwiejszego sformułowania mojej opinii. Jeżeli pomógłbyś mi napisać tą pracę jeszcze raz to była bym bardzo wdzięczna. (Najlepiej jeżeli to będą proste zdania.
It happens on Monday right after Easter.
Everybody does. In the past only boys threw water at girls which meant that they`ll get married quickly.
Now they throw water at everybody but mainly at girls:)
I think it`s a great fun and nice festival. Good that we keep and continue this tradition. Sometimes it becomes too violent but even though you`re all wet you`re happy:)

A jak ta praca??
A; Fine. (dodalabym BUT) where are we going to meet exactly? Maybe let's meet in the coffee bar.

2) I 'am' (a to po co? Ja jestem?) greet 'this way with friends from school' (kochana, musisz nad tym popracowac...friends from school in this way)
When I haven't seen my family or friends for a
long time(.) (dlaczego tu jest kropka, czy to jest koniec zdania?) I must give them a hug, because I missed them very much.
I 'am' (niepotr) usually 'bowing' BOW my head.

In my country you 'needn't' (dlaczego nie uzywasz 'you don't have to) eat everything that you are given, but you must eat with a knife and

2. if IT rains all weekend I will go to THE cinema. (przypomnij sobie o przedimkach)
4. if I feel ill tomorrow I will go to the doctor's

Nie mogę znaleźć innego odpowiednika do "polewania się wodą"...nie mozesz bo w UK tego nie robimy.
I 'am not good at' DO NOT KNOW THE HISTORY/TRADITION 'history' RELATING TO that day...Lany Poniedzialek to jest EASTER MONDAY
'At me in' IN MY surroundings water 'is pouring out everyone' (dlaczego komplikujesz sobie zycie...tutaj masz zla kolejnosc slow dlatego, ze tlumaczysz slowo w slowo z polskiego, oducz sie tego natychmiast. ...everyone throws water over everyone else.

I like the tradition of throwing water over everyone, but I don't like it when young people don't respect their elders and throw water on them from the windows of their buildings.
It happens on Monday right after Easter. EASTER MONDAY
....Everybody does..... (to nie jest zdaniem)
In the past only boys threw water at girls which meant that 'they`ll' (tutaj nie jest jasno dla mnie, czy to 'boys would get married' czy te 'girls') get married quickly.
I think it`s 'a' (niepotr) great fun and A nice festival. IT IS good that we keep and continue this tradition. Sometimes it becomes too violent but even though you`re all wet AT LEAST you`re happy:)
Dzięki, strasznie mi pomogłeś. No wiem z angielskiego jestem noga, nie przepadam za nim i nie umiem się go nauczyć. A tak na przyszłość jest jakaś kolejność układania wyrazów w zdaniu??
>>>>nie przepadam za nim i nie umiem się go nauczyć
wlasnie dlatego, ze sie tego boisz i tego nie lubisz to nie masz ovchoty. Ale pomysl, ze przeciez bez ang. to ani rusz w dzisiejszym swiecie, i jeszcze, czy naprawde chcesz mi napisac, ze ten jezyk Cie pokona, przeciez TY jestes silniejsza od niego. The world is full of challenges.
widzę, że umiesz motywować ;) No jasne, że się nie poddam, ale długa droga przede mną^^ Zdecydowanie wolę uczyć się niemieckiego, ale to nie znaczy, że nie będę się starała ;)
Jeszcze raz dzięki:*
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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