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Witam :) Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie listu:

Twoja koleżanka z Anglii ma kłopoty z narkotykami. Napisała do Ciebie list z prośbą o radę. Napisz do niej list, w którym:
o Podziękujesz za zaufanie i napiszesz, jak się czułaś, przeczytawszy jej list,
o Zasugerujesz dwa możliwe rozwiązania jej problemu,
o Wyjaśnisz, dlaczego zerwanie z nałogiem jest ważne dla niej i dla jej bliskich,
o Zaoferujesz swoją pomoc i wyrazisz nadzieję na pomyślne dla niej rozwiązanie problemu

Sat, 17 April

Dear Eva,

Thanks for your letter and that you have faith in me. When I was reading your letter I was really worried and disturbed.
I’d like to help you. So I have to say that it would be good if you could go to A Clinic for Addicts. There are people like you and people who could help you. You can also talk with your parents. I know it’s hard but they love you. They want all the best for you and your health is very important for them. Drugs are killing you! Do it for yourself and for your family.
I hope everything will be OK and soon you’ll be completely healthy. Remember you can always count on me.

Best wishes,

>Dear Eva,
>Thanks for your letter and {the fact} that you have faith in me. When I was
>reading your letter, I was really worried and disturbed.
>I'd like to help you. So I have to say that it would be good if you
>{went} to {a clinic for drug addicts}. There are people like you {there} and people
>who could help you. You can also talk with your parents. I know it's
>hard, but they love you. They want all the best for you and your health
>is very important {to} them. {The} drugs are killing you! Do it for yourself
>and for your family.
>I hope everything will be OK and soon you'll be completely healthy.
>Remember you can always count on me.
Bardzo dziękuję !


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