sprawdzenie tekstu- pilne ;)

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Byłbym wdzięczny jeśli ktoś sprawdziłby mi ten tekst. Z góry dzięki.

Since I was a child I have dreamt of studying abroad. Recently, I got known that my college gives students such

chance. Simpson College is located in Indianola, Iowa, in the United States of America. (www.pwsz.krosno.pl). I am sure

that study in above mentioned school, would help me in many ways. If I live there for some time, I would have many

opportunities in the future life. For example, my language would be improved. Additionaly, I would be more responsible

and experienced.

Many interesting majors are offered by Simpson College. If I were to choose some of them, these would be: 'The

English Novel', 'Theatre and Drama in America', and 'Studies in American Minority Literatures and Cultures'. All of these

subjects are connected with English Literature. 'The English Novel' is based on such famous authors like Defoe or

Dickens. I like their style of writing and I'd like to learn more about them. 'Theatre and Drama in America' arouse me in

history which is connected with this major. However, 'Studies in American Minority Literatures and Cultures' offers me a

basic knowledge about foreign people who live or used to live in America. Their culture and customs are brought closer

to students of this major. (www.simpson.edu).

Also, Simpson College offers students wide range of extra classes. Indoor volleyball sounds cool for me.

(www.simpson.edu). I have always liked to go in for sport. Participation in that kind of activity would make me happy and

improve my fitness. In addition, I would meet new friends.

What to do to get to Simpson College? If someone is good English speaker and has a quite good notes, get to this

college will be a piece of cake for him. Secondly, student has to write an application before 30 March. Thirdly, he has to

attach motivation letter. His application will be considered by special committee. The results are expected to be given in

few weeks time. (www.pwsz.krosno.pl).

Setting to Simpson College in Iowa is very easy. We need to book an airline ticket on the webside. Cost of 2-way-

flight is about 3335zl. Plane takes off at 3:50 PM, 18 April from Cracow airport. There is going to be 2 changes. Both

flights takes 56 hours. When student get to destination fly- Des Moines, he can take a bus or a taxi and go to see his

dorm. He will be living in there for the next few months. (www.skyscanner.pl), (www.pwsz.krosno.pl).

All in all, I'd like to go to the United States of America and study at Simpson College. 'Nurturing values which

foster personal worth and individuality within a creative, diverse and just community' - and many more values I'd get.

Also, but for my studying there, I could get a high level education. I could learn more about different cultures living there.

Finally, I could enrich my knowledge thanks to majors I would choose. I am convinced, Simpson College is a great

opportunity for students who would like to swich off and experience something new. (www.simpson.edu).
Recently, I 'got known' (co to za dziwactwo, tutaj LEARNED) that my college gives students such chanceS. THE Simpson College is located in Indianola, Iowa, in the United States of America. (www.pwsz.krosno.pl). I am sure that study in 'above mentioned school' (tego nie trzeba, to wyglada smiesznie, daj tutaj Simpson Colleg), would help me in many ways. If I liveD there for some time, I would have many opportunities in 'the' (niepotr) future life. For example, my language would 'be' (niepotr) 'improved' (popraw). 'Additionaly, I would be more responsible and experienced.' (nie widze, w jaki sposob ta akurat college w tym Ci pomoze, convince ME!)
'The English Novel' is based on such famous authors like Defoe or Dickens.(przepraszam bardzo, ale dlaczego to piszesz, do kogo jest to adresowane, bo jak do college,m to chyba oni to wiedza)
'Theatre and Drama in America' arouseS me 'in history' (cos tu nie tak) which is connected with this major. However, 'Studies in American Minority Literatures and Cultures' offers me a basic knowledge about 'foreign' (a kot niby jest tym 'foreign'-wytlumacz dokladnie) people who live or used to live in
Also, Simpson College offers students A wide range of extra classes.
Indoor volleyball sounds 'cool' (CO? to jest najmniej powioedziec jakis mlodziezowy kolokw - nie nadaje sie do powaznego listu) for me.
If someone is (tu cos brakuje) 'good' (zle slowo) English speaker and has 'a' (niepotr) quite good notes, 'get' (popraw) to this college will be 'a piece of cake' (dlaczego uzywasz nie standardowych phrazali - tutaj to jest oiudiom, popraw) for him. Secondly, (tu cos brakuje) student has to write an application before (tu cos brakuje)30 March. Thirdly, he has to attach (tu cos brakuje)motivation letter. His application will be considered by (tu cos brakuje) special committee. The results are expected to be given in (tu cos brakuje)few weeks time.
'Setting' (ortog) to Simpson College in Iowa is very easy.
Cost of (tu cos brakuje) 2-way- flight is about 3335zl.
There 'is' (zle przeciez 'changes' to l. mnoga- jak to?) going to be 2 changes. Both flights 'takes' (zle przeciez 'flights' to l. mnoga - tutaj TAKE) 56 hours. When (tu cos brakuje)student 'get' (popraw czasownik) to 'destination fly'(tego nie rozumiem) - Des Moines, he can take a bus or a taxi and go to see his dorm.
....'Nurturing values which foster personal worth and individuality within a creative, diverse and just community'....(prosze nie przepisywac z innych zrodel - to ja widze jak byk - jest przewpisane, calkowicie inny styl,m slownictwo jak twoje osobiste - nie rob tego - bo wtedy ktos pomysli, ze malo umiesz - kazxdy umie 'cut and paste') - 'and many more values I'd get' (popraw, to nie jest za bardzo).
Also, 'but' (calkowicie zle slowo) for my studying there, I could get a high level (tu cos brakuje) education. I could learn more about different cultures 'living there' (tego nie rozumiemj, czy to 'different cultures living there' czy 'I would learn by living there' - nie jest jasno).
Finally, I could enrich my knowledge thanks to (tu cos brakuje) majors I would choose.
but for this... oznacza 'dzieki temu' , dlaczego uwazasz ze nie pasuje to do zdania?
>Also, but for my studying there, I could get a high level education = gdybym się tu nie uczył uzyskałbym lepsze wykształcenie.
but for = if something had NOT existed or happened
dzieki za pomoc, przydala sie :):)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Programy do nauki języków