Opowiadanie (Story) - Sprawdzenie

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Bright morning sunlight shone through Luke’s bedroom window when he woke. He lay there lazily for a few minutes, then jumped out of bed and stepped under the hot water of the shower. He put up and get out to his job.
Luke was 22 years old student. When he went to job he saw police, he thought that they drive to place of the crash but suddenly they stopped car and policeman shout “Don’t move and take up your hands”. He didn’t know what’s happened, why policemans arrest him. Luke trembled and was terrified. When they came to police station Luke inquired that he was suspected about mugging. He felt helpless and didn’t know what should he do. “Luke come with me” said policeman and they went to room for suspicious. There were a few suspicious, eyewitness of mugging had to choose one of them. Eyewitness was old woman, and she recognised Luke as offender. Luke was desperate and unfairly accused. After lawsuit Luke was thrown into prison.
Luke’s mother rent to lawyer. Fortunately Luke was acquitted, but just after a few months.
Luke and his life was changed completely by this time. He couldn’t continue his study. When Luke arrived to home he wondered “why me?” and thought how human’s life could change for someone mistake.
Zapomniałem napisać teamtu: Napisz opowiadanie na konkurs organizowany przez czasopismo anglojęzyczne o człowieku, którego życie zmienia się całkowicie w wyniku drobnej pomyłki.


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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie