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Mam odpowiedziec na 6 pytań z języka angielskiego. Zadanie nie jest trudne ale ja jestem bardzo słaba z tego języka. Prosze o pomoc

1. Is food a pleasure for you?
2. What do you normally eat in a typical day?
3. Do you ever cook?
4. Do you ever eat 'unhealthy' food? How do you feel about it?
5. Are you trying to cut down on anything at the moment?
6. Are people's diets in your country getting better or worse?

1. Yes, of course. I like eating tasty meals, particularly these which prepares my mum. I prefer healty food, so the most pleasures inflict me healthy, low-fat dishes.
2. I usually eat this, what I have under my hand. I often have a bowl of cereal with milk or the slice of brown bread from vegetables (eg. cucumbers, tomatos, radishes).
For second breakfast eat a fruit youghurt or a roll.
I like very eating from a flour different dishes, therefore I usually for dinner eat pancakes, dumplings, pastas. I to this prepare a salad and obligatorily a soup with vegetables. Sometime I consume a rice with o fish or a meat.
In the evening, I eat eggs or the slice of bread with a cottage chesse.
3. Yes, I cook sometimes. I often make soup or a pasta with tomato sauce.
3. Yes, I cook sometimes. I often make soup or a pasta with tomato sauce.
4. Sometimes I eat unhealthy food. Especially when I have a bad mood I like to eat very chips and sweets. I eat too much when I feel bad and I have remorse.
5. I’am trying to limit the sweets and eat more fruits and vegetables.
6. In my opinion people’s diets are getting worse and worse. Especially young people eat unhealthy. They provide the body with enough vitamin and eat a lot of greasy fast food. Despite a lot of information that appear in the mass media, how to eat healthy, few people apply to this. I think there is a problem of contemporary societies.

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