pomoc w sprawdzeniu błędów

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Songs and exercises were used in Three different classes.
In the first group there are 21 students with big disciplinary problems and hardly any interest in English. All of those students love music, and most of them believe that Learning English vocabulary through songs is simply way to teach English vocabulary. In this class using popular song was successful. It helped to motivate them. Most of the students really enjoyed the activities, and most of them were active during the lesson. However in this class learning habits and attitudes towards English had too small quality. Their level of English was not as high as it could have been. Therefore they sometimes did not understand the lyrics because their vocabularies are too small. The song entitled “Hallejujah” practice pre-intermediate level and they did not understand elementary English.
Z góry dziękuję.
Songs and exercises were used (ale dlaczego...tutaj trzeba napisac...for the purposes opf...)in three different classes.
In the first group there are 21 students with 'big' (nie uzywaj tego slowa w powaznych tekstach, poszukaj inne) disciplinary problems and hardly any interest in English. All of 'those' (do kogo to sie odnosi, jak do tych o ktorych mowilas w poprzednim zdaniu to 'THESE) students love music, and most of them believe that Learning English vocabulary through songs is A 'simply' (zala czesc mowy) way to teach English vocabulary. In this class using popular 'song' (wczesniej byly 'songs'-) was successful. 'It' THIS helped to motivate them. However in this class learning habits and attitudes towards English had too 'small quality' (nie, nie tak, poszukaj inne odpowiednie wyrazy).
Therefore they sometimes did not understand the lyrics because their vocabularies are 'too small' (NIE!! pomysl, piszesz powazny tekst, a wychodzisz z takimi ....).
The song entitled “'Hallejujah"' (ORTOG)(tu cos brakuje) practice (tu brakuje 2 slowa) pre-intermediate level and they did not understand (tu cos brakuje, moze z 4 slowa) elementary English.
Serdecznie dziekuję za pomoc, jednak poprawiłam tylko to co wiedziałam miej więcej jak. Niestety ostatnie zdania nie wiele mi mówią. Będę wdzięczna za ewentualną dalszą pomoc. Pozdrawiam cieplutko. Songs and exercises were used (ale dlaczego...tutaj trzeba napisac...for the purposes opf...)in three different classes.
In the first group there are 21 students with enormous disciplinary problems and hardly any interest in English. All of these students love music, and most of them believe that Learning English vocabulary through song is particular method to teach English vocabulary. In this class using popular song was successful. This helped to motivate them. However in this class learning habits and attitudes towards English had poor quality'.
Therefore they sometimes did not understand the lyrics because their vocabularies are modest.
The song entitled “'Hallejujah"' (ORTOG)(tu cos brakuje) practice (tu brakuje 2 slowa) pre-intermediate level and they did not understand (tu cos brakuje, moze z 4 slowa) elementary English.
Songs and exercises were used for the purposes of 'motivating students to learn English' in three different classes.
...Learning English vocabulary through song is particularLY USEFUL method to teach English vocabulary.
However in this class learning habits and attitudes towards English
had poor quality'. (zaraz to poprawie)
Therefore they sometimes did not understand the lyrics because their
vocabularies 'are modest' WERE LIMITED.
The song entitled “'HalleLujah"' WAS USE IN practice WITH THE pre-intermediate level STUDENTS 'and' HOWEVER they did not understand THE WORDS AS THEIR VOCABULARY WAS LIMITED TO elementary English. (zobacz czy to jest to co chcialas powiedziec)
>>>However in this class learning habits and attitudes towards English 'had too' DID NOT HAVE 'small' SUFFICIENT 'quality' (moze lepiej 'appreciation' - nie jestem calkowicie pewna co chcesz tutaj powiedziec)
100 x kiss for you. Dziękuję, bardzo mi pomogłeś.
pomogłaś :)
terri mogłabyś mi sprawdzić błedy:

Dear Ms Weatherby
I am writing to make a reservation for seven days from 21 to 28 July in hotel Astur.
There will be ten people and we will require five twin rooms. We would be very grateful when the rooms are on the same floor and will be side by side.
On the telephone, you have different types of diet. I am interested in this because my friend is vegetarian and for him I want to order a diet without meat.
I would like to get a brochure or leaflet for this hotel.
I am enclosing proof of payment for 400$ as a deposit. I would like to pay for the stay at the end. Would is it possible? I would like to everything information about this reservation contact to my e-mail.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
>>100 x kiss for you. Dziękuję, bardzo mi pomogłeś.

By my balls! I wish I was around that x-rated action.(snickering raunchily)
Kochana Terri! Mam jeszcze jeden przysięgam ostatni tekst na dzisiaj. Jestem i tak ogromnie wdzięczna za pomoc :)
oto on:
The most well-behaved class with good attitudes to learning is the group of girls.

There are not disciplinary problems in this group. Most of them focus on the text, while

listening to song and try remember words of their favorite songs. They think that Lessons

with playing music are more pleasure (memorable).

Most students love learning English and express their interest in the language.

They are active most of the time and work hard even during "normal" lessons.

These learners were excited about learning vocabulary through songs.

With pleasure doing all the exercises and were very active.

The students liked the activities. they even asked to continue in them in the following lessons.
Their only weakness was

that their level of English knowledge was quite low and they did not always

understanding of some of the lyrics.
>>>By my balls!
...I expect some X rated action on Sat and Sun this week. I'm sure photos will one day grace the covers of some well-known lads mags. As for the films - the're ending up on you-tube, (...must do something with my hair though, as yet, not really good enough for films - ha ha ;-)
The most well-behaved class with 'good' A POSITIVE 'attitudes' ATTITUDE toWARDS learning is the group of girls.
There are 'not' NO disciplinary problems 'in' WITH this group. Most of them focus on the text, while listening to THE songS and THEY try TO remember words of their favorite songs.
They think that Lessons 'with' USING 'playing' (niepotr) music are more pleasurABLE AND memorable.
'With pleasure doing all the exercises' ALL THE EXERCISES WERE UNDERTAKEN WITH ENORMOUS PLEASURE and THEY were very active DURING THE LESSONS.
They even asked to continue 'in' WITH them in the following lessons.
Their only weakness was that their level of English 'knowledge' VOCABULARY was quite 'low' LIMITED and they did not always 'understanding' UNDERSTAND 'of' (niepotr) some of the lyrics.
Dear Ms Weatherby
I am writing to make a reservation for seven days from 21 to 28 July (tutaj potrzeba rok) in THE Hotel Astur.
We would be very grateful 'when' IF the rooms 'are' WERE on the same floor and 'will be' (niepotr) side by side.
'On the telephone, you have different types of diet' (cos tu nie tak...napisz tak, ...As I understand you provide meals for customers with differing dietary requirements.
I am interested in this because my friend is A vegetarian and for him I want to order 'a diet' MEALS without ANY meat.
I would APPRECIATE IT IF YOU COULD SEND ME 'like to get' (niepotr) a brochure or A leaflet for this hotel.
I am enclosing proof of payment OF THE DEPOSIT 'for' OF 400$. 'as a deposit' (niepotr).
Would 'is it' THIS BE possible?
I would like YOU TO CONTACT ME DIRECTLY via e-mail WITH 'to everything' ALL information 'about' RELATED TO this reservation. 'contact to my e-mail' (niepotr).
Groovy! Knowing your brisk temperament that’s surely not going to be a chopped-liver schmaltzy pillow-talk. :))

Hair ? Where ? :) Please, not at the Y, what would the "well-hung-stud pearl-divers" have to mow then? :)
I've not heard that expression in years ...(straight from the 1960's)
On my head. As you know, I'm only a bottle-blonde, and I wouldn't like anyone to see my roots.
Of course on your head :) I wouldn’t dare consider any other areas.
Whatever the case, remember, I can always be your “smooth operator” of your stroke-rag clip.:)
Off to “hacking” Huxley.
Czy terri jest jeszcze obecna?
Może zechciałaby zerknąć jeszcze na ostatnie moje wypociny:)
The group of boys weren’t interested in listening songs during lesson.
There wasn’t disciplinary problems with them, but only few
students were active during the lesson. Playing music during English lesson has not changed their attitude towards
learning very much. It has changed only those students who liked the particular song
that we were working on at that time while the rest of the class continued disrupting the
lesson. Jakby powiedzieć (Uczniom najbardziej podobały się cwiczenia przygotowane przez nauczyciela. Szczególnie uczniowie zadowoleni byli z gry BINGo, którą nauczyciel przygotował korzystając ze słownictwa z piosenki)
these activities motivated them the way it was
expected and since those students cause the most problems, which this method
solved, the quality and atmosphere of the lessons did not improve that much.
The group of boys 'weren't' WERE NOT interested in listening TO songs during THE lesson.
ALTHOUGH there 'wasn't' WERE NOT ANY disciplinary problems with them, 'but' (niepotr) only A (cos z tymi przedimkami - zapominasz) few students were active during the lesson. Playing music during AN English lesson haD not changed their attitude towards learning very much. It haD changed only FOR those students who liked the particular song that we were working on at 'that' THE time while the rest of the class continued disrupting the lesson.
...Students liked the exercises prepared by the teacher, in particular they enjoyed the game of 'Bingo' which the teacher prepared using vocabulary from the song.
These activities motivated them 'the way' (niepotr) 'it was' AS expected and since those students cause the most problems, which this method solved, the quality and atmosphere of the lessons 'did not improve that much' (cos tu nie jest tak, bo albo lesson sie poprawila troche, albo nic....Pomysl o tym, mozna powiedziec...lesson improved slightly, but not as much as could be expected).
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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