Sprawdzenie opowiadania

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam. Mam napisałam opowiadanie na temat : Napisz opowiadanie o nastolatku, który w czasie wycieczki szkolnej ratuje kolegów będących w niebezpieczeństwie.

Proszę żeby mi ktos pomógł i poprawił błedy ;)

One rainy day on school tour at Niagara waterfall when group of students were walking back to hotel where they were registered, a boy noticed that his two friends were missing.
He’s immediately told that to teacher and so she called for help. She’s ordered to children so they don’t move out of Her sight. But the boy that has reported to Her of missing friends escaped unnoticed and gone looking for two boys. He was too worried about his friends to listen the teacher.
After few minutes He found a remains of t-shirt that belong to his friend Bill, so He started to run forward in hope of finding his friends. For a long time He didn’t found anything, but suddenly he noticed a light from his left side, at first he didn’t believed, but the same small light lit again. This time he was sure that he found his missing friends. He ran toward the light, and he really found them but they were in danger. They were in water, holding on a fallen tree’s branches. He walked down the river, grabbed boys’ hands and pulled them out of the water, then he walked with them safely to the teacher.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia