Streszczenie Roemo i Julii do sprawdzenia :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
The servants of two enemy families were fighting on the Verona Square. Benvolio, lord Montague’s nephew and Romeo’s best friend restrained them from fighting. Prince Escalus the threats of death ban Capulets and Montagues from disturbing the peace. Lord capulet planed to marry his dauther Juliet off Paris. He organized the party to Juliet could meet him.
Accidentally Romeo and Banvolio found out about the party and they came there. Romeo met and fell in love with Juliet.

At the nigh, he crept into the Capulet’s garden to see his lover. Juliet was crying that their families’ dispute is an obstacle for their love. They both were ready to renounce their names and their families to be together. They wanted to get a secret married.

In the next conflict Tybalt killed Mercutio and Romeo killed Tybalt. He was exiled from Verona. He came to Friar Laurence. The friar decided to help them, he advised Romeo to come to Mantuia and gives Juliet the drink, which produce condition similar to death. On the eve of merried she drank the drink. At the morning her family discovered that she died. She was buried in the family vault. Romeo didn’t know anything about friar’s plan, because a messenger didn’t arrive to him. When Romeo saw that his lover died, he killed himself. Juliet woke up of the lethargy and pierced herself by the dagger.

Capulets were reconciled with Montagues above the grave of theirs’ kids.
please :)


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