gram. opisowa- sprawdzenie verb group

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
mam problem z dopasowaniem odpowiedniej/odpowiedniego (???) Verb Group. Jeśli ktoś może to prosiłabym o sprawdzenie:) you think [complex]she's [intensive] good at syntax?
2. this is [intensive] a proposal that we should support [transitive] the workers.
3. whether frank and bill wolud be[transitive]promoted wasn't [intensive]clear.
4. his friends were[intensive]certain he would not pass [transitive] the exam.
5 it was [intensive] unfortunate the first lecture was cancelled [intransitive]
6. is [intensive] it so obvious that she doesn't like [transitive] the paintings?
7. the exhibition closed{intransitive] because all the paintings were [intensive] copies.
8. max was[prepositional]under the impression that jane was [intensive]glad he had arrived [intransitive].

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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie