proszę o sprawdzenie, pilne!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
When I think about natural disasters such as floyd, fire, storm or volcanic eruptions, I come to the conclusion that all kinds of them are extremely dangerous. But personally, I suppose the most dangerous can be earthquakes. Fortunately, I have never experienced such a tragedy myself, but I have often seen its consequences in TV.
For me the most dangerous natural disaster is earthquake. It is provide by the tectonic movements inside the Earth. It take place particulary in the US coast and Caribbean. The main consequences of this event are: human property is completly destroyed, supply of water, gas and electricity is cut, people and animals can die. Unfortunately we can't defend for this disaster. If this terrible event occur people should be evacuated by the soldiers and emergency. The government has to - in this case - help treatend areas.
The reason of the many natural disasters is global warming. The world's climate change brings thunderstorms and natural disasters like tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes. In some parts of the world there are more floods, in others more droughts.
Nowadays, natural disasters occur very often. They affect almost every place on Earth so it's important to prevent them so far as is possible.

z góry dziękuję!
It take place particulary in the US coast and Caribbean. takes powinno być
When I think about natural disasters such as , fire, stormS or volcanic eruptions, I come to the conclusion that all of them are extremely dangerous. For me, the most dangerous natural disaster is AN earthquake. Fortunately, I have never experienced such a tragedy myself, but I have often seen its consequences On TV.
EARTHQUAKES ARE PRODUCED by the tectonic movements inside the arth. THEY FREQUENTLY take place ALONG the US coast (ktory?) and IN THE Caribbean. The main consequences of this event are: human property is completly destroyed (zawsze?) THE supply of water, gas and electricity is cut (zawsze?); people and animals can die. Unfortunately, we can't defend AGAINT this KIND OF disaster. If this terrible event occurS, people should be evacuated by the soldiers and emergency (cos tu brakuje..personnel?? forces?). The government has to - in this case - help treatend (ortog) areas.
The reason FOR many natural disasters is (na pewno?) global warming. The world's climate change brings thunderstorms and natural disasters, INCLUDING tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes. In some parts of the world there are more floods, in others more droughts.
Nowadays, natural disasters occur (very often..masz na mysl "more frequently"?). They affect almost every place on arth so it's important to prevent them, IF possible.


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