Metallica History. Proszę o sprawdzenie!!! ;D

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Metallica was formed by Lars Urlich and James Hetfield. At the beginning of the career, Metallica was one of the garage bands in Los Angeles. During that time, band recorded their first songs. It was Hit the Lights, Jump in the Fire, The Mechanix and so on. Metallica was playing very quickly and they created a new type of music – Trash Metal. In 1983 the band began to record. First album was named Kill'em All. Metallica went on tour immediately after the premiere of album. On this tour they got new nickname – Alcoholica, because they loved (and love) alcohol. Their second and third album were Ride the Lightning (1984) and Master of Puppets (1986). With a third album Metallica recived the greatest fame. During the Master of Puppet's tour occurred a tragic car accident. Bass – Cliff Burton – died. Metallica was thinking about the end of the band. Fortunately, they didn't do this. New bass was Jason Newsted. In 1988 Metallica recorded next album - ... and Justice for All. This album was very pacifistic. The biggest hit was One. For One Metallica made the first video. Next album – Metallica (Black Album) – had a big commercial success. The greatest hits were: Nothing Else Matters, Enter Sandman, Sad but True and Unforgiven. 1996 was a premiere of Load. Songs from this album were very similar to previous songs. Load's continuation was Reload (1997). In 1999 for Christmas S&M (new album) appeared in the shops. S&M was a concert recording. It was a very big Metallica's concert with symphony orchestra. During their career they had a lots of problems with the illegal distribution of albums. 19 january 2001 Jason Newsted left Metallica. He said, that he have a lots of problem health. In 2003 Robert Trujillo took his place in the band. In this year Metallica released next album – St. Angel. The last album was Death Magnetic. Metallica had some concerts in Poland. The last was in 2010 (16.06). It was Sonisphere festival where the first time in history the big trash four (Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax and Megadeth) played on one stage.

Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie. ;d
Bardzo mi zależy na tym by było bezbłędnie.
Z góry dziękuję.
Nie chcę się narzucac, jednak bardzo zalezy mi jak najszybszej odpowiedzi. :DD
At the beginning of theIR career, Metallica was one of the garage bands in Los
Angeles. During that time, (przedimek) band recorded their first songs. It was Hit the Lights, Jump in the Fire, The Mechanix and so on. Metallica was
playing 'very quickly' (nie wiem czy to wlasciwie masz na mysli) and they created a new type of music - Trash Metal.
Metallica went on tour immediately after the premiere of (przedimek) album.
On this tour they got (przedimek) new nickname - Alcoholica, because they loved
(and love) alcohol. Their second and third albumS (bo jak masz 2 - second and third to jest l. mn) were Ride the Lightning (1984) and Master of Puppets (1986). With a third album Metallica 'recived' (ortog) the greatest fame. During the Master of Puppet's tour THERE occurred a tragic car accident. Bass PLAYER - Cliff Burton - died.
Metallica was thinking about 'the end of' ENDING the band.
New bass PLAYER was Jason Newsted. In 1988 Metallica recorded (brakuje slowa)next album - ... and Justice for All.
1996 was 'a' THE premiere of Load.
In 1999 for Christmas S&M ((tu brakuje slowa) new album) appeared in the shops.
It was a 'very big Metallica's concert' (cos tego nie lubie, ale trzeba pomyslec) with (przedimek) symphony orchestra. During their career they had 'a' (niepotr) lots of problems with the illegal distribution of albums. 19 'january' (miesiace zawsze duza litera) 2001 Jason Newsted left Metallica. He said, that 'he have' (pomysl jaki tu blad jest...he to 3os.l.poj) 'a' (niepotr) lots of problemS WITH HIS health.
In this year Metallica released (tu brakuje slowa) next album - St. Angel.
The last was in 2010 on 16th June. It was AT THE Sonisphere festival where (tu brakuje slowa) the first time in history the big trash four (Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax and Megadeth) played on one stage.
ten album to chyba St Anger a nie St Angel ;P
Aaa, tak tak. ;d wiem, literówka.
At the beginning of their career, Metallica was one of the garage bands in Los
Angeles. During that time,the band recorded their first songs. It was Hit the Lights, Jump in the Fire, The Mechanix and so on. Metallica was
playing very fast metal and they created a new type of music - Trash Metal.
Metallica went on tour immediately after the premiere of the album.
On this tour they got the new nickname - Alcoholica, because they loved
(and love) alcohol. Their second and third albums were Ride the Lightning (1984) and Master of Puppets (1986). With a third album Metallica received the greatest fame. During the Master of Puppet's tour there occurred a tragic car accident. Bass player - Cliff Burton - died.
Metallica was thinking about ending the band.
New bass player was Jason Newsted. In 1988 Metallica recorded the next album - ... and Justice for All.
1996 was the premiere of Load.
In 1999 for Christmas S&M (the new album) appeared in the shops.
It was the bigger and longer Metallica's concert than another with the symphony orchestra. During their career they had a lot of problems with the illegal distribution of albums. 19 January 2001 Jason Newsted left Metallica. He said, that he has a lot of problems with his health.
In this year Metallica released the next album - St. Anger.
The last was in 2010 on 16th June. It was at the Sonisphere Festival where in the first time in history the big trash four (Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax and Megadeth) played on one stage.

Poprawiłam, jak myślałam. Nie wiem czy dobrze i czy o to chodziło.
Dziękuję Terri. :D Bardzo was proszę o sprawdzenie 'poprawy' jak najszybciej. Jeszcze dziś muszę to oddac. Właściwie powinnam teraz.
It was the 'bigger'(zle slowo) and 'longer' (zle slowo) Metallica's concert than 'another' ANY OTHER with the symphony orchestra.
The last was in 2010 WAS on THE 16th June. It was at the Sonisphere Festival
where 'in' FOR the first time in history the big trash four (Metallica,
Slayer, Anthrax and Megadeth) played on one stage.
Wielkie dzięki. ;* Thanx, thanx, thanx.

a nie trash ;p
widzisz to wszystko zalezy z ktorego punktu na to patrzysz. Dla mnie taka muzyka to jest 'trash' - a dla ciebie, te zespoly tworza 'thrash' muzyke.
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