3 zdania proszę o spr.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. It's quite easy to speak a language on a basic level, but when you want to be on an advanced level it turns out to be pretty hard.
2. During holidays your IQ level is going down czy goes down?
3. Summer is not time for it.
It's quite easy to speak a language 'on' (zle slowo) a basic level, but when you
want 'to be' (zle okreslenie) 'on' (zle slowo) an advanced level it turns out to be pretty hard. (z tego nie jest jasne - co jest 'pretty hard' speaking. czy advanced level)
2. During holidays your IQ level 'is going down' (zle) czy 'goes' (level-IT- 3os.l.poj - GOES) down?
3. Summer is not (a co tu brakuje...? zgadnij?)time for it.
It's quite easy to speak a language AT a basic level, but when you
want 'to speak it at an advanced level it turns out to be pretty hard.

Summer is not A time for it.

Teraz dobrze? I jeszcze mam pytanie - kiedy w końcu stosować to "a" przed "time"? Bo jak wpisałam w google to raz było "a time for it" a raz "time for it".
Summer is not 'A' THE time for it.
przyimki przed 'time' maja takie same reguly jak stosowanie ich przed innymi rzecz.
This is the time for all good men...
A good time was had by all...
This is a good time for it...
The time for it is now...
Dziękuję. :)
>>>>>2. During holidays your IQ level 'is going down' (zle) czy 'goes' (level-IT- 3os.l.poj - GOES) down?

'During holidays your IQ level GOES DOWN' when a message in the sentence is based, for example, on some research


'During holidays your IQ IS GOING DOWN' when you treat it as sth temporary, sth that will pass quckly, hopefully :)))))

it seems that using different tenses is sometimes very subjective and depends on what you want to convey, emphasise or on a wider context of your message
>>>>>>it seems that using different tenses is sometimes very subjective and
depends on what you want to convey, emphasise or on a wider context
of your message
...you don't say....
>>>>>...you don't say....

What terri meant was "No kidding." Or "Duh!"

Ps. Let's just hope you are not one of those sensitive types, paulo.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.