Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie:
1. Transaero was created from nothing. The only foundation found (kapitał założycielski) was the support of Yevgeniy Primakov (a partner of Anodina, former Prime Minister, now holding the position of Russian foreign minister and having strong connections in the Russian Government) and, thanks to his mediacy, the support of KGB and later FSB.
2. The biggest controversy in Russia arouse the fact that when the IAC decrees about the causes of air crashes, is a judge in its own issue/case, because it admits equipment for use which defects or breakdowns has to certify later.
Największe kontrowersje w Rosji wzbudza fakt, że kiedy MAK orzeka o przyczynach katastrof lotniczych jest on sędzią we własnej sprawie, ponieważ dopuszcza do użytytku sprzęt, którego wady i awarie musi później potwierdzić.