COVER LETTER do sprawdzenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, znajdzie sie ktos chetny zeby sprawdzic tego covera? I'll be grateful :)
Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to present myself, hoping that my current education and capacities would match your requirements.

I am an ambitious, creative and responsible person and a quick learner. Furthermore, I am an effective team worker and I have good problem-solving skills. Moreover, I am well-organised thus I am able to plan my work effectively and meet the deadlines.

For I graduated in English philology from University of Warsaw I would like to link my work with this language. Since October I am going to continue studies in translation for I consider it helpful in gaining more knowledge and developing skills in operating english language. I would like to use my knowledge in favour of the company and my professional development.
I would be pleased to review my qualifications in more detail during an interview with you. Thank you for considering my application.

Yours Faithfully,
'I would like to present myself, hoping that my current education and
capacities would match your requirements.' (takigo wstepu NIGDY nie znajdziesz na ang. cover letter - to jest tak slowo w slowo z polskiego ze az mnie to razi.

Powinnienes napisac gdzie i kiedy i na jakie stanowisko podajez swoja aplikacje - to tutaj to nic z tego niw widac...

I am an ambitious, creative and responsible person and a quick
learner. (a w jaki sposob to mozesz UDOWODNIC - podaj tutqj przyklady).'Furthermore', (nie uzywaj takich slowo w liscie) I am an effective team worker (ezamples) and I have good problem-solving skills.(examples) 'Moreover' (nie uzywaj takich slow w liscie), I am well-organised thus I am able to plan my work effectively and meet 'the' (niepotr) (tu ma byc slowo STRICT deadlines. (podaj przyklady)s

'For' (od kiedy zaczynamy zdania w ten sposob?, to slowo jest niepotr) I graduated in English philology (jaki stopien osiagnales?) from THE University of Warsaw AND I would like to link my work with this language. 'Since' (to jest calkowicie zle slowo) October I am going to continue studies in translation (ale na jakim stopniu, znowu na licencjat) 'for' (nie rozumiesz jak uzywamy slowo 'for' - to jest nie tak jak tutaj masz) I consider it helpful in gaining
more knowledge and developing skills in 'operating' (calkowicie zle slowo) 'english' (a dlaczego, jak masz studia z jez. angl. - nie wiesz ze English piszemy duza litera? Co Ci te studia daly?) language.
I would like to use my knowledge in 'favour of the company' (tak nie mowimy) and my professional development.

I would be pleased to 'review my qualifications' (dlaczego TY to akurat masz robic, przeciez wysylasz CV - oni to widza) in more detail during
an interview with you.



Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


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