
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam napisać A make a suggestion i B: Object to it. give a reason for objecting

1 go for walk
2 go out for somethink to eat
3 play cards
4 do some homework together
5 play computer games
6 listen to music
7 tidy your room
8 go to cinema

więc napisałam:

1 A Do you fancy going for a walk?
B: Not really. It's too cold out
2 A Let's going out for somethink to it
B: I don't want to go out. Maybe I phone for pizza
3 A: Do you fancy playing cards?
B: Not really. I prefer play scrabble
4 A: Let's doing your homework together
B But I don't want to do some homework together. I prafer do it of myself
5 A Why don't I playing computer games?
B: Not really. It's time to go sleep
6 A: Let's listening to music
B: Not really. I'm not in the mood
7 A: Why don't you tiding your room
B: Not really. I think it's clean
8 A: Let's going to the cinema
B: But I don't want to going to cinema, but I have new DVD's

Pisałam to według wzoru w książce. Czy jest to napisane poprawnie? Proszę o pomoc
What's going on with these "let's going.. let's listening...and want to going..."
porownaj #2 odpowiedz do #2 w poleceniu. Moze sprobuj jeszcze raz.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia