Potrzebuje tego tekstu do pracy licencjackiej, jednak mój angielski a już szczególnie gramatyka nie jest na wysokim poziomie dlatego właśnie proszę o sprawdzenie tego tekstu i o ewentualne komentarze:)
Jeronimo Martins Distribution Company, owner of Biedronka, from the appearance of the polish labor market was controversial. Biedronka was charged by employees, about neglect of health and safety, and not paid overtime. So in this way she lost
not only a lot of money for compensations but also trust of potential employees.
Within a few years, conditions of work in Biedronka have changed. JMD currently uses a very diverse system of motivation. The aim of this work is examination the system of motivation used in Biedronka and evaluation his real influence on productivity workers.
The study was conducted through an online survey. With this type gathering of information we are able to reach many employees from different parts of the country and get objective data, so we can see the true situation of workers Biedronka. Despite the use many different motivators by JMD, studies have shown that about half of the respondents are not satisfied with the work for this company, so they are not motivated to work.