melony, wybor, tekst

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze o odpowiedzi

Do you like water melons? Well, after a week at
the Water Melon Festival in Chinchilla, Australia,
you might not like them so much!
Chinchilla is the water melon capital of Australia
and produces an amazing number of melons. This is because the ground here is excellent for
growing them. It holds water well and this is
really important for growing melons.
Every two years in the middle of February the
people of Chinchilla hold a special festival and
participants come from far away. A visit to the
festival is very entertaining! If you go this year,
you’ll see a crazy competition where people
smash melons with their heads! There are
easier competitions too such as melon throwing
and melon skiing (where you put your feet in
a melon and get pulled along by a rope!). Of
course there are cooking competitions for meals
using melons and a lot of melon eating too.
The festival started in 1994 and is getting bigger
each year. If you want to go to the festival in
Chinchilla, you must book your ticket soon. This
year they are expecting between six and seven
thousand people. That’s a lot of water melons!

Choose the correct answers.
1 There has been a melon festival in Chinchilla
for over / under 20 years.
2 Melons grow well here because there is a lot
of rain / good earth.
3 The festival is only for local people / open to
4 There are some unusual people /
competitions at the festival.
5 All / Some of the events are difficult.
A dlaczego uważasz, że ktoś powinien odrobić za Ciebie zadanie?
Prosze nie zadawaj pytania na ktore dobrze znasz odpowiedz.
Osoba nie rozumie tego co ma przeczytac. Odpowiedzi sa w tekscie- ale jak sie nie umie - to trzeba szukac dobrej duszy tutaj na forum..
Mnie tylko ciekawi to, co dalej bedzie - czy naprawde bedziemy odrabiac zadania domowe nie tylko teraz ale az do samego konca ukonczenia studiow? Moze tez ktos sie zglosi zdawac Mature?
Answers on a postcard please.
nie mam zamiaru zdawać matury z angielskiego, wiec za mnie nie bedziecie musiały ;d

1. (tu nie wiem, strzelam) for over
2. a lot of rain
3. open to everyone.
4. competitions
5. Some
1. for {under}
2. a lot of {good earth}
3. open to everyone OK
4. {unusual} competitions
5. Some OK


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