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Hej, byłabym bardzo wdzięczna gdyby ktoś mi sprawdził poprawność tej wiadomości.

Hej byłabym wdzięczna gdyby ktoś mi to sprawdził. Z góry dziękuję :)

That's true we haven't talked for a while... I'm pretty fine I feel like nothing has changed since we talked last time but at the same time it feels like ages and everything is diferent I guess you know what I mean... I'm trying to enjoy my life.
I'm still in Lodz and well I'm not really happy beacuse of it but it's my fault so I can't complain. In September I'm going to Copenhagen for one year to study there and than I should finish my Uni in Lodz but who knows what will happen. I don't want to do plans.
I want to travel and find my place in this world and just hope that some day I will. :)
I hope you are fine and everything is going perfect in Venezuela. Tell me how is it going, how are you?
there and then I should finish my Uni
Pozostałe (moim zdaniem) poprawnie...
edytowany przez aftershaveocean: 08 sie 2012
make plans
how it is going
SEEMS /?/ like ages;
ciekawe ze 'how are you' jest na samiutkim koncu, wg mnie to jest pierwsze cos o co powinnismy sie pytac.


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