Proszę o pomoc ze słuchu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Tłumaczę sobie oryginalnego pilota serialu Alf.Nigdzie nie ma angielskich napisów dla niesłyszących ani skryptu, więc muszę to robić ze słuchu. A niestety ze słuchu jestem kiepski. Proszę więc osoby o lepszym uchu o pomoc. Mogą być spisane kwestie lub od razu tłumaczenie.
Oto ten odcinek

Wykropkowałem to, co nie rozumiem. Zapytajniki są tam, gdzie rozumiem tylko pojedyncze słowa.
1:58 Brian, this is what happens when you eat ... before dinner.
2:05 No, you ... dessert.
2:22-2:35 za szybko, rozumiem tylko pojedyncze słowa.
2:44-2:48 tego nie jestem pewien
2:50-2:57 Please Daddy... (za szybko, rozumiem tylko pojedyncze słowa)
3:08-3:10 ?
3:14-3:50 co nieco rozumiem, ale nie jestem pewien.
4:19 ... Jugloslawia?
4:52-5:01 W963 ...
5:05-5:08 ?
5:20-5:23 ... short wave.
5:27-5:30 ?
5:51-6:06 ?
6:22-6-25 I can't control it ...
16:53-17:34 ?
17:56-18:08 ?
21:21-21:57 ?
Nie ma takiej strony..
Oj jest, jest.
Czy nikt nie potrafi mi pomóc? ;(
1:58 fruit hammers?
2:06 you may not have dessert
2:22 well, did you hear this, Dad? Something happened today that was absolutely bizarre
... but guess what? Judy's (?) car was stolen. We've got no way to get there
That's beyond bizarre
2:44 Hey, I just told you/started? something. Maybe you'd let me borrow your car
Dziękuję. Jeszcze tylko to 2:57-3:01.
Did you say, your boyfriend wasn't old enough?
1:58 ...when you eat food hammers? before dinner.
2.22 ready to hear this dad. .......... (A) bunch of us were going to a basketball game tonight , see, but guess what, Jodie’s car wouldn’t start.
hey, I just thought of something. 2:50-2:57 Please Daddy, I know I’m not allowed to drive on school nights . I’m only asking because my boyfriend’s not old enough to drive but when he is, I swear I’ll never ask again.
3:08-3:10 well, his birthday’s in December. So about a year and a half.
3:14-3:50 Because he didn’t start kindergarten when he was 8, ok, because he was travelling with the circus and then.... Look, I don’t have to defend Lash, I mean that ‘s totally not the issue here.
You’re right Lynn, you’re absolutely right. She’s right. That’s not the issue. There’s no need to attack the lad. He was in the circus. Was he a part of the side show or was he in the big top? It doesn’t matter. This is about the use of the car. You know, you’re not allowed to use the car on a school night, you said that yourself. Now, if we don’t respect the rules we make, ..
dalej chyba jasne co idzie,

edytowany przez savagerhino: 05 lis 2012
4:19 ... Jugloslawia? tak Yugoslavia
4:52-5:01 W963 ...d as in dog, g as in gnats, k as in ( don’t know what that is)
5:05-5:08 I’m not on the proper wavelength here.
5:20-5:23 I gues the CB? must’ve crossed circuits with a short wave.
5:27-5:30 ? I know I’m immature sometimes but you know you put so much ..
5:51-6:06 maybe ( the name of that dad’s Yugoslavian ‘radio friend’ he mentioned earlier)
has equipped with sonar
6:22-6-25 I can't control it, it’s locked in to their? signal
16:53-17:34 Some strange about him, don’t you think? He’s out of space , dad. I mean, he doesn’t seem to care of his space ship, gets fixed or not. Maybe he just doesn’t want to get a soap sob?
Yeah, could be. But maybe he wants to stay. I know he likes you very much, very much. I’m glad so many ?? around here. I like you too, sweetheart , very much. I really do....
17:56-18:08 Do you get sesame street where you live? No, and frankly, I don’t get it here either. ( TV background voice – if you said it’s the boy in the bathing suit standing in the blizzard, you’re absolutely right.
21:21-21:57 ? I’m Daniel Valentine with Alien Task Force, stationed at Edwards. We just received an anonymous tip ..We’re not harboring any space creatures. Alright, thank you. Have a nice day. Wait, wait a minute. How’d you know what I was gonna ask? Oh well, the uniform and you said Alien Task Force. Doesn’t have anything to do with the way I look, does it? No, absolutely not. Good.
edytowany przez savagerhino: 05 lis 2012
Jak byście przetłumaczyli to zdanie?
Was he a part of sideshow or was he in the big top?

Sorki, że pytam, ale nie znam się na sprawach cyrkowych.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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