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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, bardzo proszę o przetłumaczenie tematu pracy lub chociaż sprawdzenie czy moje tłumaczenie jest poprawne.
Tytuł pracy - porównanie najemców małej powierzchni biurowej przy ul. x oraz przy ul. x w Poznaniu
Moje tłumaczenie - Comparision of small office space tenants' prefences on the x street and on the y street in Poznan
on x street

preferences? - i gdzie to jest w polskim tytule?
miało być porównanie preferencji najemców
in street jest chyba BrE a on AmE?
masz usunac the
'Comparision' (blad ortog) of 'small office space tenants'' (nie, to trzeba inaczej...of preferences of tenants of small-office spaces between X and x) prefences on the x street and on the y street in Poznan
Siostra mi mówi, że Brytyjczycy używają już zarówno in jak i on. Prawdą jest, że w USA chyba nie mówią in the street.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie i ewentualne poprawki mojego streszczenia do pracy licencjackiej, czy jest w miarę zrozumiała i poprawna gramatycznie.
Z góry będę bardzo wdzięczna za jakąkolwiek pomoc.

Ectotherms leave in the areas where the ambient temperature falls below freezing, thus they had to adapt physiologically as well as biochemically in order to survive during adverse conditions.These animals are characterized by their resistance to freezing and they have different strategies i.a. (among other things) avoiding freezing or the toleration on freezing. The avoidance of freezing is associated with supercooling of the organism and not letting the ice crystals to growth inside the body. The tolerance on freezing allows to crystalize within a body and survive by means of the cryoprotective substances which they produce.These substances fulfill the protective function and they can be qualified as alcohols (for the insects it is very often glycerol), carbohydrates (for instance glucose for amphibias) and also specifically synthesized proteins which occur in arctic fishes that are using supercooling. In laboratories there are made an attempts to synthesized the artificial substances so that they will resemble the natural cryoprotective substances and their mechanism of operation which is protecting the cells and tissues from freezing. They have a wide usage in different domains and they play a major role in storage of blood cells or sperm cells, moreover in the medicine they assist in treatment of certain diseases.
edytowany przez nalesnik16: 14 cze 2013
Ectotherms 'leave' zle slowo) in the areas where the ambient temperature falls below freezing, thus they 'had' zle slowo) to adapt physiologically as well as biochemically in order to survive during adverse conditions.These animals are characterized by their resistance to freezing (cos brak) and they have different strategies 'i.a.' (nie pisz tak, to jest po lacinie,- ) avoiding freezing or the toleration 'on' (sprawdz to slowo) freezing. The avoidance of freezing is associated with supercooling of the organism and not letting the ice crystals to 'growth' (zle slowo) inside the body. The tolerance on freezing allows 'to crystalize' (zle popraw) within a body and survive by means of the cryoprotective substances which they produce.These substances fulfill the protective function and they can be qualified as alcohols (for the insects it is very often glycerol), carbohydrates (for instance glucose for amphibias) and also specifically synthesized proteins which occur in arctic fishes that 'are using' (popraw- use) supercooling. In laboratories 'there are made an attempts'(zla kol slowo) to synthesized the artificial substances so that they will resemble the natural cryoprotective substances and their mechanism of operation which is protecting the cells and tissues from freezing. They have a wide usage in different domains and they play a major role in (cos brak) storage of blood cells or sperm cells, moreover in the medicine they assist in treatment of certain diseases.

Ladnie, ladnie, ale nie piszesz jakie badanie i wyniki ty osiagneles.
Dziękuję bardzo za pomoc :)
Nie mam swoich wyników bo to praca licencjacka, a w niej nie robi się własnych badań ;)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.