Coś z gier w karty - jak to przetłumaczyć ?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, czy może ktoś to przetłumaczyć samo sformułowanie Trick Taking Games oraz resztę, próbowałam, ale niestety nie umiem tego przetłumaczyć. Tak naprawdę nie gram w karty, ale nasz kochany profesorek ma jakiegoś jobla na tym punkcie i teraz tym mnie zabił 

Proszę o pomoc!

Trick Taking Games

This is the largest group of outplay games. Normally, each player is dealt an equal number of cards. A trick consists of each player in turn playing one card face up to the table (a few games have multiple tricks where several cards may be played at once). Playing the first card to a trick is called leading. There is some rule to determine which card wins the trick (for example the highest card of the suit led). The cards played to the trick are captured and generally placed face down in front of the winner of the trick. Usually the winner of a trick leads to the next.

Trick Taking Games A trick consists of each player in turn playing one card face up to the table. There are Plain Trick Games in which only the tricks themselves are important, and Point Trick Games in which the value of tricks is affected by which cards they contain. Inflation games are similar to trick-taking games, but players may acquire extra cards during the game, making the hand sizes unequal.

z góry dziękuję za pomoc
Gra z braniem lew.
dziękuję ;) o to może teraz resztę jakoś sobie przetłumaczę
