Business english tłumaczenie zdań

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Przetłumaczyć zdania na angielski :
1.Wynagrodzenie zwykle dzieli się na płace zasadniczą,premie,nagrody i tak zwane dodatki.
2.Praca na zmiany jest szkodliwa dla zdrowia,co więcej utrudnia stosunki rodzinne i kontakty towarzyskie.Nie wszyscy chcą to zaakceptować,a jeśli nawet akceptują,to oczekują rekompensaty finansowej.
3.Podatek od fizycznych jest potrącany co miesiąc od pensji brutto.Takie jest prawo podatkowe i nie możemy robić żadnych wyjątków.
4.Jeśli nie będzie cię na liście płac,skontaktuj się z działem kadr lub z księgowością i poproś ich o pomoc.
5.Możemy panu zapłacić 200% stawki godzinowej,pod warunkiem,że będzie to praca w nadgodzinach w soboty i niedziele.W przeciwnym razie możemy zaproponować jedynie stałą stawkę.Takie są przepisy.

Moje propozycje ,prosze o ewentualne poprawienie zdań:
1.Remuneration are usually divided into the salary,bonuses,awards and so-called perks.
2. Shift work is unsafed to health, what's more it's difficult for relationships and social contacts. Not everyone wants to accept it if they will accept then expecting financial compensation.
3.Personal Income Tax is deducated from gross salary every month.This is the tax law and we can not make any exceptions.
4.If you will not be on the payroll, contact with the Human Resources Department or accounting department and ask them for help.
5.We can pay you 200% of the hourly rate, provided that it will be working overtime on Saturdays and Sundays.Otherwise, we can offer only a fixed rate. These are the rules.
edytowany przez Kakamo: 18 gru 2013
1.Remuneration 'are' (nie rozumiem dlaczego dales czasownik l. mnogiej, jak 'remuneration' to rzecz. l. poj) usually divided into 'the' (wg mnie niepotr) salary,bonuses,awards and so-called perks.
2. Shift work is 'unsafed' (bardzo dziwne slowo, poszukaj inne) to health, 'what's' (ja bym dala te slowa w calosci) more it's difficult for relationships and social contacts. Not everyone wants to accept it (ja bym tu dala jeszcze slowo) if they will accept (ale co? musisz napisac) then (ale kto? napisz) 'expecting' (zle slowo) financial compensation.
3.Personal Income Tax is 'deducated' (popatrz jeszcze az na to slowo) from gross salary every month. This is the (tu mozna dodac INCOME) tax law and we can not make any exceptions.
4.If you 'wil' AREl not 'be' (niepotr) on the payroll, (tutaj brakuje 2 slowa) contact with the Human Resources Department or (cos brak) accounting department and ask them for help.
5.We can pay you 200% of the hourly rate, provided that it 'will be' (ja bym to zrobila inaczej...relates to) working overtime on Saturdays and Sundays.
Czy ta wersja jest bardziej poprawna?
1. Remuneraton is usually divided into salary,bonuses,awards and so-called perks. .
2. Shift work is harmful to health, what is more it is difficult for relationships and social contracts. Not everyone wants to accept shift work if they will accept shift work then they look foward to financial compensation.
3. Personal Income Tax is deductioned from gross salary every month.
4. If you are not on the payroll, you should contact with the Human Resources Department or an accounting department and ask them for help.
5. We can pay you 200% of the hourly rate, provided that it relates to working overtime on Saturdays and Sundays.Otherwise, we can offer only a fixed rate. These are the rules.
1. Remuneraton is usually divided into salary,bonuses,awards and so-called perks. .
2. Shift work is harmful to health, AND what is more it is difficult for relationships and social contracts. Not everyone wants to accept shift work BUT if they will accept shift work then they 'look foward to' (moze napisz inaczej...should expect) financial compensation.
3. Personal Income Tax is 'deductioned' (masz tutaj dziwne slowo, ale nie popatrzylas w slownik, slowo ma byc DEDUCTED) from gross salary every month.
....Nie napisalas nic o National Insurance ktory tez musi byc DEDUCTED.
4. If you are not on the payroll, you should contact 'with' (niepotr) the Human Resources Department or 'an' THE Accounting Department (dlaczego Human Resources Department bylo w duzych literach a Accounting Department w malych - daj duze) and ask them for help.
5. .Otherwise, we can ONLY offer 'only' (w zlym miejscu) a fixed rate.