Przetłumaczenie filmiku + krótkie streszczenie (po ang.)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Tutaj mam filmik:

Jeżeli ktoś mógłby mi pomóc będę bardzo wdzięczna ;-)
ktos ma poswiecic swoj czas, zeby zrobic to, co sama powinnas zrobic?
Nie znam ang na tyle dobrze, a interesuje mnie ten temat. Nikt nikogo nie zmusza do pomocy.
oszczedzamy Twój czas, bo nikt Ci tu nie pomoże w taki sposób
uszanuj to.
Znacie jakiś program który "napisałby" mi to, co ona mówi?
Cytat: mg

Dzięki bardzo, może źle się wyraziłam,ale nie chciałam, aby ktos odwalał za mnie robotę, bo wiem, że tłumacząc też się uczę. Jeszcze raz dzięki.
tak wlasnie sie wyrazilas.
we've found a very interesting film. It showthe problem 'How to motivate your project management team'. Jennifer Whitt- project manager told about one of her manager a long time ago. one evening when they have a project she come and she worked with them to motivate team, She reminds also her father who was a coach. he motivate his team before, during and after the game whether the wonor lost. she shared for us four tips. First is to set realistic goals because people don't like when work...Second is measure performance.... Next is celebrate success. we should celebrate success not jet at the and, but all during the way. Reward the team for achieving success and more importantly, for working together as a team. Last tip is to know your team we must know whether team member is introvert or extravert. when we talk about rewarding and motivating. we should know that we motivate an intravert differently than an extravert. an intravert doesn't like a lot of attention. We should know skills, expertise of our team member. It help to keep motivate team. Important is to treat people with respect. If you are the project manager is our responsibility to make our team motivated.

Jezeli moglibyscie to sprawdzić i uzupełnić "(...)" bo nie wiedziałam jak to ując. Z góry dzięki
Mógłby ktoś sprawdzić?
mnostwo opuszczonych koncowek wyrazow, np. 'he motivate' = 'on motywowac', uzywasz prawie samych bezokolicznikow, nawet jezeli piszesz o zdarzeniu z przeszlosci
we've found a very interesting film. It show the problem 'How to motivate your project management team'. Jennifer Whitt- project manager told about one of her manager a long time ago. one evening when they have a project she come and she worked with them to motivate team, She reminds also her father who was a coach. he motivated his team before, during and after the game whether the won or lost. She shared for us four tips. First is to set realistic goals because people don't like when work(...)Second is measure performance.... Next is celebrate success. We should celebrate success not jet at the and, but all during the way. Reward the team for achieving success and more importantly, for working together as a team. Last tip is to know your team we must know whether team member is introvert or extravert. When we talk about rewarding and motivating. We should know that we motivate an intravert differently than an extravert. An intravert doesn't like a lot of attention. We should know skills, expertise of our team member. It help to keep motivate team. Important is to treat people with respect. If you are the project manager is our responsibility to make our team motivated.

Szczerze mówiąc nie wiem gdzie jeszcze mogłyby być błędy. Byłoby fajnie, jeżeli ktoś mógłby mi coś podpowiedzieć
bledow nadal jes tmnostwo. Popatrz na wszystkie czasowniki.
Ale chodzi Ci o czas przeszły? Czy o co dokładnie? Jest chociaż jakaś część dobrze?
piszesz np
when they have - kiedy mają
she come - ona przyjść

takich bledow jest pelno.

Ogolnie tekst jest zrozumialy.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


Nauka języka