I am Kacper Nowak (!) (tutaj wystarczy kropka, na nikogo nie musisz krzyczec)
I am a driver and I work 'in a' (lepiej napisac FOR) company X.
I have worked there for a long time. (ale w polskiej wersji masz ...3 lata..I have worked there for three years)
I 'hired' (nie to jest zle slowo i niepotr, wystarczy napisac 'started') there when I finished school .
I work from 8 to '16' (nie, daj tutaj 4), five (zapomniales dac 'dni') a week. I have 'planty' (blad ortog.) of time 'in' AT weekend, becauce I don’t have to 'go to Job' (to jest nieladnie, a wystarczy ..to go to work), so I can 'Lenart to my' (tego nie rozumiem, ale i tak niepotr) study.
My job is delivering 'the' (niepotr-bo 'goods' to l. mn) goods from the warehouse to the food (tutaj przydaloby sie 'sections') of different shops. I drive around (tutsaj musisz dac co to jest np. 'district/area OF)Świętokrzyskie. My boss is a very nice man, (musisz dac tutaj ze 'on' HE) always 'help' (to slowo musi byc 3os.l.poj - boss-he-3os) me when I have a problem. When I have to go to 'college' (dalabym slowo 'University') on Friday,my boss 'give' (tutaj 3os.l.poj -boss-he-3os) me (tutaj brakuje przedimka) free day, because he believes that study is 'the' (niepotr) most important.
My job does not require education, but I have to 'be' (nie, daj tutaj..I must concentrate and be) relaxed while driving.
I must be strong to bring the 'googd' (ortog) to the 'depository' (bardzo amerykanskie slowo, wystarczy 'storeroom'). Neverthelees I 'tkink' (ortog) THAT my worki is 'very' (niepotr) (mozesz tutaj dac...gives me) pleasure so 'i' (to slowo ZAWSZE piszemy duza litera) like it. This 'Job' (mala litera) DOES not disturb 'in' MY study, so 'it' THAT is 'The' (niepotr) most important for me. In addition my 'earn' (to jest zle slowo, mozesz napisac 'earnings', albo 'salary') is very good, so I don’t have to take 'some' (zle slowo, tutaj pasuje ANY) money for my parents. When I 'will' (niepotr) finish my 'study' (nie, daj tutaj STUDIES) I AM going to look for another 'Job' (mala litera).