"Roll with me" jak to przetłumaczyć?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Kojarzy mi się to z jakimś ruchem a to z kolei z tańcem a z resztą nie ważne jak wy myślicie?
Roll with me....badz ze mna w tym/z tym...
roll with me ( let's take some Molly)
molly =MDMA =recreational drug= ecstasy, lover's speed, club drug a czasownik 'roll' bardzo potocznie miedzy innymi znaczy 'to take MDMA'

jest wiele znaczen, bez kontekstu naprawde mozna gdybac
Cytat: savagerhino
roll with me ( let's take some Molly)

Speaking from experience?
Cytat: terri
Cytat: savagerhino
roll with me ( let's take some Molly)

Speaking from experience?

I knew it was coming. I should've put a disclaimer.:)
No, of course no. In terms of consuming various and sundry substances that elevate one's spirits and blood pressure, I've been a staunch supporter of the Scotch Malt Whisky Distillery business since I can remember.


Terri, roll with me this night into that warm amberish abyss of this virtual four poster king bed:))

edytowany przez savagerhino: 31 gru 2014
Since Terri is probably already in bed, and I locked my lovely wife in the bathroom, let me continue with this high flight of my poetic endeavor today.

..and she rolled with him down the hall, her bottom wiggling past, leaving a trail of gazillion 'give-the-once-overs' in its wake. ( All rights reserved)

For those 'concerned', please note that the phrase 'her bottom wiggling past' is not at all sexually charged phrase but in fact it's a nominative absolute phrase, so felicitously picked by your humble narrator.:)
It also indicates that the movement of her pelvis at the time:) was consistent with a rolling motion of..her pelvis again I guess.:). I know I sound like a medical examiner but that's actually yet another definition of the verb 'roll'.

Just for the record, I've already started 'supporting' the Scotch Malt industry.
edytowany przez savagerhino: 31 gru 2014
edytowany przez Inga33: 01 kwi 2015
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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