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Notes: Divorce affects inheritance under a will
Where a will has already been made by either party to the marriage then, by virtue of section 18 A of the wills Act 1837
(a) any provisions of the will appointing the former spouse executor or trustee or conferring a power appointment on the former spouse shall take effect as if the former spouse had died on the date on which the marriage is dissolved unless a contrary intention appears in the will.
b)any property which, or an interest in which , is devised or bequeathed to the former spouse shall pass as if the former spouse had died on the date on which the marriage id dissolved unless a contrary intention appears in the will.
Divorce affects the appointments of a guardian.
Unless a contrary intention is shown in the instrument of appointment, any appointment under section 5 (3) or 5 (4) of the Children Act 1989 by one spouse of his or her former spouse as guardian is, by virtue of section 6 of that Act, deemed to have been revoked at the date of the dissolution of the marriage.


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