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If you think the world of face creams beautiful fingernails and silky smooth legs is exclusively female, think again. As sales of men’s health and fashion magazines continue to grow at huge rate, more and more men are queuing up at health spas and gyms for complete make-over. „Lots of men are no longer embarrassed to use products or services that make them look and feel better,” said one enthusiastic beauty consultant. Body hair removal, manicures, pedicures, teeth whitening and liposuction, to name just a few, are all now in high demand. Modern man is even plucking his eyebrows to complete the well-groomed experience. So, what is the explanation for this? Why are men spending more on pampering their bodies than on CD collections and DVDs?
According to some, the explanation is quite simple. Twenty years ago, the only beautiful role models in the media were women. Now magazines covers displaying half-dressed male models with six-packs, tans and perfect hair, have persuaded men they are missing out on something. In other words, it’s just clever advertising.
Others offer a more profound explanation. As traditional roles between men and women at home and at work become less distinct, men are looking for new ways to express either their masculinity or their new-found feminine side.
The masculine expression leads to joining a gym and building muscle, the feminine expression leads to moisturising creams and beautiful nails. These days it seems to be a combination of both. You could argue that modern man is quite simply – confused!
So, are men just victims of the advertising industry, or are they trying to re-invent themselves? Or is it just that women have been right all along – men are vainer? Now they have proof. What do you think?

1. What is the change in men’s attitude towards health and fashion?
2. What body treatments became very popular with men?
3. Why are men shown on the magazines covers nowadays?
4. What is the consequence of disappearance of differences in women’s and men’s roles?
5. In what way is a modern man a mixture?
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