Justice - zdania

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mógłby ktoś sprawdzić błedy w definicjach/zdaniach
1 Prison is a place where people live for some time because they committed a crime
2 Police must help and protect people and catch a criminal
3Criminal is a person who cimmitted a crime. For example woman who killed her husband or kidnapped a child
4 People attact the bank because the want to get money and want to be rich
5 Citizen is a person who should obey the law or rules
6 crime technicians examine fingerprints because they want to check if the person was at the crime scene
1 Prison is a place where people 'live' (to slowo daje mi znac, ze oni sa tam z wlasnej woli, a tak nie jest, moze 'are housed') for some time because they committed a crime
2 Police must help and protect people and catch 'a criminal' (tylko tego jednego, tutaj daj l. mnoga)
3 (brak przedimka) criminal is a person who HAS 'cimmitted' (blad ortog) a crime. For example (przsedimek) woman who killed her husband or (daj tutaj 'who') kidnapped a child. (Tak aside, to women wiecej zabijaja nowa partnerke swojego meza/kochanka)
4 People 'attact' (ortog) 'the' (daj inny przedimek, bo tutaj chodzi o niewiadomo ktory) bank because 'the' (reszta slowa?) want to get money and want to be rich
5 (przedimek) citizen is a person who should obey the law or rules
6 Crime technicians examine fingerprints because they want to check if the person was at the crime scene
4 np 'rob'


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