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The article describe an interview with Dr. Greg Berns neurologist at Emory University, who is studying the brains of dogs, trying to find out what they are thinking about. Details of his research described in his book titled "Like a dog". The first question is about how the professor began his research. The professor says that he was intrigued by the story of a dog who took part in the mission of capturing Osama Bin Laden. When he watched the relationship, he pointed out that the dogs, despite the fact that they have very sensitive hearing, are trained so much that they are not afraid of a helicopter, which is very loud and without any problem they get on board during special missions. The professor says that MRI tests are difficult because the dog would have to stand motionless for a limited time, which is a problem. These tests are intended to check whether the dog's brain has similar functions to the human brain. Check if the dog can, for example, love. Prefosr solved the problem by working with dog trainer from Atlanta. He built an MRI simulator in his basement, where he trained a family dog. After 3 months of training they succeeded. Then, after upgrade their training system, they called local dog owners to get the volunteers. Since 2012, they have already trained 90 dogs. Studies have shown that dogs use the same parts of the brain to solve similar tasks like humans and show that dogs can love. The research consisted in the fact that the professor gave the dogs dog food or praised them. A large number of dogs reacted equally to praise and food. Now about 20 percent had stronger reactions to praise than food. In addition, it was discovered that dogs can identify faces through the appropriate part of the brain. The professor says that his research apart from the scientific aspect also has a financial aspect. Currently, training a special dog is very expensive, and there is also the risk that the dog may not be fit for work. The professor's research is to show which puppies are better adapted to the work that is waiting for them. At the end, the professor tells how in recent years, apart from dogs, he also studied sea lions that had epileptic seizures, and the lesions in their brain were very similar to those of a person suffering from epilepsy. The professor says that his research was important to the fact that he started to take animals very seriously. After his research, he has proof that the animal brain is not different in some respects from human. The animals feel, they can love and they are aware of their suffering. Research has made the professor want to be a better vegetarian because he himself has proved that animals are very similar to humans when it comes to our most important organ - the brain.

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The article 'describe' (tu jest 3o.s l. poj. article-it) (nie wiem, czy 'describe' jest najtrafniejsze slowo, bo article to sam nic nie mowi, moze 'is an extract/cos takiego) an interview with Dr. Greg Berns (tutaj cos trzeba, np 'a') neurologist at Emory University, 'who is' (niepotr) studying the brains of dogs, 'trying to find out' (to jest za niskie, moze 'researching') what they are thinking about. Details 'of his research' (nie wiem czy potrzebne) ARE described in his book ENtitled "Like a dog". The first 'question' (nie wiem czy 'question' jest dobre slowo, moze 'cos innego) is 'about' (niepotr-za bardzo po polsku) how the professor began his research. 'The professor says that' (niepotr) He was intrigued by the story of a dog who took part in the mission of capturing Osama Bin Laden. When he watched the relationship (ale jaki? bo tu o tym niema nic), he pointed out that the 'dogs' (dlaczego tutaj jest l. mnoga a wczesniej mowisz tylko o 'dog' l. poj?), despite 'the fact that they' (niepotr) havING very sensitive hearing, are trained 'so much' (nie, to za niskie, lepiej 'vigorously') that they are not afraid of a helicopter, 'which is very loud' (nie rozumiem po co to jest tutaj wpisane, bo to kazdy sie domysla) and without any 'problem' (wg mnie tutaj l. mnoga) 'they' (niepotr) get on board during special missions. The professor 'says' (nie, to za niskie, lepiej 'states') that MRI tests are difficult because the dog would have to stand motionless for a limited time, which is a problem. These tests 'are intended to' (niepotr) check whether the dog's brain has similar functions to the human brain (ja tutaj dalabym 'and') check if the dog can (tutaj blaga sie o 'feel emotions such as love), for example, love. 'Prefosr' (popraw) solved 'the problem' (mozna 'this') by working with dog trainer from Atlanta. He built an MRI simulator in his basement, where he trained 'a' (tutaj 'the') family dog'. After 3 months of training they succeeded' (mozna po prostu ..succeeding after 3 months). 'Then' (nie, jak piszemy, to staraj sie nie uzywac slowa 'then' bo to wyglada tak, jakby dziecko opowiadalo co sie stalo, uzyj inne slowa, ale tutaj i tak nic nie potrzeba), 'after upgrade' (mozna, 'Upgrading) their training system, they called local dog owners to 'get the volunteers' (nie, tutaj wystarczy 'volunteer'). Since 2012, 'they have already trained 90 dogs' (mozna tez '90 dogs have been trained'). Studies have shown that dogs use the same parts of the brain to solve similar tasks like humans 'and show' (mozna 'showing') that dogs can love. The 'research consisted in the fact that the' (to jest niepotr) The professor gave the dogs dog food or praised them. A large number of dogs reacted equally to THE praise and food. 'Now about' (co to znaczy 'about? ile to jest, albo definite 20 albo mniej, wystarczy dodac to zdanie do poprzedniego i napisac 'with)' 20 percent 'had' (having) stronger reactions to praise than food. 'In addition' (Additionally, , lepiej uzywac mniej slow, bo streszczenie polega na tym zeby szybko, sprawnie i nie uzywajac duzo slow przekazac to samo), it was discovered that dogs can identify faces through the appropriate part of the brain. The professor 'says' (nie, to jest za niskie slowo, tutaj trzeba uzywac slowa wiecej 'academic', continues') that his research apart from the scientific aspect also has a financial aspect. 'Currently' (niepotr), Training a special dog is 'very' (mnie tu sie blaga slowo 'extremely') expensive, 'and there is also' (moze lepiej 'considering') the risk that the dog may not be fit for work. The professor's research 'is to'(niepotr) showS which puppies are better adapted to the work 'that is waiting for' (mozna 'awaiting') them. 'At the end' (nie, tutaj 'Concluding'), the professor 'tells' (szukaj lepsze slowa, moze 'explains') how 'in recent years' (moze 'recently'), apart from dogs, he also studied sea lions that had epileptic seizures(,) (jak ja nie lubie przecinkow przed 'and', 'and' (tutaj daj 'with') the lesions in their brain 'were' (being) very similar to those of a person suffering from epilepsy. 'The professor says that' (niepotr) His research was important 'to the fact that' (nie, tutaj 'as') he started to take animals very seriously. 'After' (jest lepsze slowo, Following) his research, he 'has proof' (mozna 'prooved') that the animal brain is not different in some respects from A human's brain). The animals feel, 'they can' (tutaj lepiej' have the ability to), love and 'they are aware of their suffering' (wystarczy 'suffer'). Research 'has' (niepotr) made the professor want to be a better vegetarian because he 'himself' (nieptor) has proved that animals are very similar to humans when it comes to our most important organ - the brain.
edytowany przez terri: 20 kwi 2018
Bardzo dziękuje za pomoc
described in his book ENtitled "Like a dog". 'titled' było dobrze
W streszczeniu brak wytłumaczenia w jaki celu zbudował ten MRI simulator. Np żeby przyzwyczaić psy do ....
..można w jednym zdaniu napisać. Słowo 'trained' nie wystarczy.
dog would have to stand motionless for a limited time psy nie muszą STAĆ w skanerze MRI.
Ja tylko poprawialam 'anomalies' w jez. ang. Co do tresci o MRI czy o psach ktore stoja czy leza w MRI to nie za bardzo sie znam, od czasu kiedy duzy pies chcial mnie pocalowac i urwal mi pol wargi....
Ja tylko poprawialam 'anomalies' w jez. ang. Co do tresci o MRI czy o psach ktore stoja czy leza w MRI to nie za bardzo sie znam, od czasu kiedy duzy pies chcial mnie pocalowac i urwal mi pol wargi...
Może chciał język :)) Moje uwagi są do autorki streszczenia ;)
not different in some respects
..nie ' aspects " ??? :)
Cytat: Robbertoxx
not different in some respects
..nie ' aspects " ??? :)

idź lepiej na Koronę zamiast tu przeszkadzać
trying to find out what they are thinking about.

Moze "trying to establish their thinking patterns"
The first question is about how the professor began his research. The professor says that he was intrigued by the story

The professor began his research because he was intrigued.......
The reason the professor began his research, was because he was intrigued...
edytowany przez [konto usunięte]: 21 kwi 2018
Cytat: chippy
The reason the professor began his research, was because he was intrigued...

interpunkcja, chippy
Cytat: zielonosiwy
Cytat: chippy
The reason the professor began his research, was because he was intrigued...

interpunkcja, chippy

What's wrong with it? :))) You know, I am punctuation blind in both languages. One day I will cause a war by putting a comma in the wrong place, so if there is a mistake, just correct it. :P. Thanks.
edytowany przez [konto usunięte]: 21 kwi 2018
no comma before "was" :-)
Got it. I will never learn it, but I will die trying :).

The reason the professor began his research was because he was intrigued...
idź lepiej na Koronę zamiast tu przeszkadzać
Well, I,m snowed under to attend the venue .. However , seems that they still stand tall after relegations regardless loss .
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 22 kwi 2018
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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