Moze byc material: Rubber insulating material, jakkolwiek zgadzam sie, ze do tlumaczenia potrzebny jest kontekst; cale zdanie lub nawet paragraf. Mielismy tu niedawno przyklad z ekonomi, gdzie tlumaczenie mozna bylo wykonac poprawnie tylko w kontekscie calego paragrafu.
PVC: Polyvinylcloride or PVC is perhaps the most common insulating material. Most wiring is insulated with PVC including house wiring. Irradiated PVC has superior strength and resistance to heat. PVC tapes and tubing are also quite common. Electrical and electronic housings are commonly molded from PVC.
SILICONE/FIBERGLASS: Glass cloth impregnated with a silicone resin binder makes an excellent laminate with good dielectric loss when dry. (Grades include G7.)
SILICONE RUBBER: A variety of silicone foam rubbers are available for insulating and cushioning electronic assemblies. Silicone rubbers exhibit a wish list of characteristics including superb chemical resistance, high temperature performance, good thermal and electrical resistance, long-term resiliency, and easy fabrication. Liquid silicone rubbers are available in electrical grades for conformal coating, potting, and gluing. Silicone rubbers found in the hardware store should be avoided in electronic assemblies because they produce acetic acid. Silicone rubbers filled with aluminum oxide are available for applications requiring thermal conductivity.