Cytat: calf
Jak będzie wyglądało zdanie typu:
1. Abyś miał lepsze rozumienie o co mi chodzi, chciałbym ....
Chodzi mi o to jak zacząć takie zdanie jak abyś...
Myślałem, że może: In order for you to have a better grasp of what I am talking about ...
ale nie ma zupełnie pewności czy jest to poprawne.
"In order for you to have a better grasp…," is preacher/teacher talk.
Anything like "In order for you to have a better grasp…," however grammatically OK, is unacceptable in everyday casual conversation. Understand this. If you don't, you will get your ass kicked sooner than later.
You must apologize for your own inability to sound comprehensible and pretend to blame yourself for your own unclear wording: never ever blame the hearer for his ignorance.
Instead, try "Let me say it another way" and then you could repeat exactly what you have just said, word for word. He will most likely get your drift.
edytowany przez Janski: 15 wrz 2018