Czy ktoś mógłby mi pomóc z przekształceniem tych zdań, tak aby sens został zachowany taki sam?
1. Whatever happens, I'll always stand by you. - Come…… (ma się zacząć od come, ale nie wiem co dalej.
2. I don't wish to critize you, but rethink your attitude, please. - Far.... (ma się zacząć od far i to samo, nie mam pojęcia jak dalej).
3. I tried really har but I could not do it. - Try I really hard, I can't do it. - Czy to drugie jest dobrze???
4. I would never have got so far if my parents hand't encouraged me. -Had it…. (tak samo, nie wiem jak dalej).
5. The only reason the child hasn't been prosecuted is the fact that he's only twelve. - Were it…. older, the child would be prosecuted??????
6. The Finn is almost certain to win, unless his engine blows out during the race. - The only way….
Proszę o pomoc, a jeśli nie rozwiązanie, to chociaż jakieś podpowiedzi....