Potrzebna pomoc w tłumaczeniu kilkudziesięciu dialogów do filmu Wheels 2014

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, to moje pierwsze napisy, nie będzie to być może dzieło sztuki ale źle też nie powinno być...
Dorwałem angielskie więc mogę tłumaczyć, ze słuchu kiepsko u mnie, potrzebuję pomocy w przetłumaczeniu 41 zdań (tylko tych z # z poniższej listy, reszta jest dla zrozumienia kontekstu, uznałem że mogą się przydać), 1003 linie mam przetłumaczone, zostało 41 z którymi nie mogę sobie poradzić a nie chcę byle jak...
Dziękuję za pomoc z góry jeśli komuś chciałoby się to przejrzeć.

00:00:56,323 --> 00:01:00,562
I always wondered
what death was like. - Zawsze zastanawiałem się, jak to jest umierać?

00:02:25,783 --> 00:02:28,852
I remember being truly happy,

00:02:28,854 --> 00:02:30,523
from head to toe. od stóp do głowy?
00:02:51,344 --> 00:02:54,247
I thought he was the
toughest man on the planet. - o ojcu, był policjantem - najtwardszym?
00:06:07,980 --> 00:06:09,881
Hi, this is an emergency. - dzwoni na 112, zamierza popełnić samobójstwo, chyba jakaś gra słów z tym poniżej

00:06:09,883 --> 00:06:11,920
What is
your emergency, sir?
00:06:45,621 --> 00:06:47,688
Well that's-that's,
00:13:56,936 --> 00:13:59,971
Let's play a little man
pool. Huh? A little money game. - zamierzają grać w bilarda
00:14:27,868 --> 00:14:30,037
Yeah, yeah. You
can break. Here.

00:14:33,306 --> 00:14:34,973
Get your money down!

00:14:34,975 --> 00:14:36,476
Roller Derby in town. - sport wrotkarski, zostawić czy dać 'Wrotki'?
00:19:08,928 --> 00:19:11,462
I went through the same premeditation
as if I had killed you. - rozmawiali wcześniej że wisi mu 100$ za próbe egzekucji, ten mówi 'no execution, no money' i?
00:20:46,930 --> 00:20:48,895
Thanks for jumping
in back there. - tu chyba chodzi o wsparcie w bójce, obydwaj sparaliżowani na wózkachh
00:27:49,769 --> 00:27:51,704
I gotta win this game, right? - opowiada zadyme w barze z kolesiami

00:27:51,706 --> 00:27:55,239
So I wind back, I cock back,
like a shotgun and I just

00:27:55,241 --> 00:27:59,079
explode these pool balls, and
they go all over the place.

00:28:08,255 --> 00:28:13,325
I take a look at them, dead
square in the face and I said-

00:28:19,934 --> 00:28:24,170
Once you take Mickey
out of the cage,

00:28:24,172 --> 00:28:26,409
he's tough to get back in.

00:28:39,055 --> 00:28:41,287
Fuck you! You fucking
dick-less prick! - pieprzony bezkłujący kutasie?
00:29:13,991 --> 00:29:21,061
And most importantly, you don't say
anything stupid, and we will be fine.

00:29:21,063 --> 00:29:23,132
What would I say that's stupid?

00:29:23,134 --> 00:29:25,867
Alright, what you're saying
right now, is stupid.

00:29:25,869 --> 00:29:29,105
This guy will end us, in
two fucking seconds, okay,

00:29:29,107 --> 00:29:31,941
if you make a Faggedy
Andy comment like that. - jaki komentarz? google zwraca jakieś profile na twiterze FA, nie wiem jak to ująć...


00:31:38,674 --> 00:31:42,144
You know I miss when you
used to wear a suit. - Drake rozmawia z dilerem, 'postradałeś zmysły przyprowadzając tu tego gościa', 'nie, on jest w porządku' i?
00:33:05,732 --> 00:33:08,502
Shit, go ahead. It's little
primer, little primer. - -wciągnął kreskę i podaje kumplowi i mówi to...
00:33:55,083 --> 00:33:59,154
Alright Mick, time to
get your sea legs. - zawija opaskę na ramieniu i zamierza dać sobie w żyłe i mówi to


00:40:31,828 --> 00:40:34,131
Alright, it's your funeral man. - szykuje mu porcję w żyłę, wcześnie ten mówi żeby przyszykował 'większą dawkę'

00:41:29,924 --> 00:41:31,790
You remember,

00:41:31,792 --> 00:41:35,127
that piano set you wanted? - chodzi o fortepian czy organy elektroniczne?

00:41:35,129 --> 00:41:38,697
The one with the little keys
and the tambourine thing and - jaki fortepian/ z tamburynem?

00:41:38,699 --> 00:41:42,036
you hit it with your feet and
it went ding! Remember that?

00:41:44,938 --> 00:41:49,912
It was the last present Santa
brought to a child in the world.

00:41:53,981 --> 00:41:57,816
He was coming down the chimney

00:41:57,818 --> 00:42:02,888
with that piano set and that piano set
made a lot of noise, it woke me up. - 'piano'
00:42:37,093 --> 00:42:40,961
But if you hadn't
wanted that piano set, -Ale jesli nie chciałbyś tego fortepianu,?

00:42:40,963 --> 00:42:43,999
Santa wouldn't be dead... - Mikołaj nie byłby martwy?

00:42:44,001 --> 00:42:45,836
would he? - prawda?
00:42:55,878 --> 00:42:58,413
Come on, let's get you
to the girls place. - wybierają się do dziewczyn

00:42:58,415 --> 00:43:00,248
I'm gonna go hit up Elvis. -- spotkać się z Elvisem?
00:44:49,964 --> 00:44:52,432
- Okay, so I burst in...
- Right. - opowiada jak wpada do dilera

00:44:52,434 --> 00:44:55,033
And I look him dead in the
eyes and I said, Elvis, - dead in the eyes?

00:44:55,035 --> 00:44:58,338
I want your fucking connection.

00:46:26,532 --> 00:46:30,133
We fuck this up we're dead, I
told you motherfuckers that. - chcą okraść dilera

00:46:30,135 --> 00:46:32,401
Dude, there is a lot of
uselessness with this attitude. - bezużyteczny z takim nastawieniem?

00:46:32,403 --> 00:46:35,505
Do you know how much coke you
do when you're dead, none!

00:46:35,507 --> 00:46:38,141
We go to like one of these
water parks, right.

00:46:38,143 --> 00:46:40,578
And we have them fucking
load us up at the top.

00:46:40,580 --> 00:46:43,513
And it dumps us down the slide
and we get to the bottom

00:46:43,515 --> 00:46:46,484
and we're like fuck man your
slide paralyzed me and shit

00:46:46,486 --> 00:46:50,154
The lifeguard comes and
boom water park money.

00:46:50,156 --> 00:46:52,656
A fucking lawsuit, are
you fucking stupid?

00:46:52,658 --> 00:46:55,426
You know how long it takes to
fucking get money from a lawsuit?

00:46:55,428 --> 00:46:56,694
At least I'm coming
up with ideas.

00:46:56,696 --> 00:46:59,497
You're not coming up with ideas,
you're coming up with bullshit.

00:46:59,499 --> 00:47:01,599
You take my blank gun
from my backpack, right.

00:47:01,601 --> 00:47:03,401
You getting shot is
not a good idea, man.

00:47:03,403 --> 00:47:05,671
We just team 'em up man.
Fucking just rack 'em.
00:50:02,722 --> 00:50:04,525
Alright, that's about it. tutaj jest tylko jak zamyka za kimś drzwi od samochodu i samochód odjeżdża, 'to wszystko na temat?'

00:50:10,265 --> 00:50:14,703
By sundown tomorrow, we will be back
and it's gold fucking cage time.

00:56:13,477 --> 00:56:15,613
Elvis is gonna fucking kill us. - laski zabrały im kasę i uciekły

00:56:17,481 --> 00:56:19,082
Fucked up his connection. - 'spieprzyliśmy sprawę z jego dostawcami/kontaktami' kokainy które to dane chcieli uzyskać?

00:56:21,751 --> 00:56:23,787
Those fucking cunts.

01:11:23,055 --> 01:11:27,057
How come you need to
make it so bad? Huh? - nie potrafię tego przetłumaczyć, wyciągnął kumpla z oceanu, dobili do brzegu, jeden chciał umrzeć drugi go przekonał że nie - jest jego najl przyjacielem etc
01:22:39,760 --> 01:22:42,861
I had the perfect family.

01:22:42,863 --> 01:22:45,130
Two trouble making boys,

01:22:45,132 --> 01:22:46,400
a beautiful wife.

01:22:48,903 --> 01:22:51,437
All I have left of
that now is you. - ojciec mu opowiada o cegle którą mu dał niby od mamy

01:22:51,439 --> 01:22:53,642
And she's still taking
that away from me. - trzyma to z dala ode mnie?

01:22:55,577 --> 01:22:58,711
Don't blame her for
what you did to me.

01:28:55,552 --> 01:28:57,952
We're gonna get shit from Elvis? - wybierają się do dilera ukraść towar

01:28:57,954 --> 01:29:01,288
If we get high, we're never
gonna go out and do it. - 'jak będziemy na haju, nigdy nie wyjdziemy i nie zrobimy tego?'
01:36:49,144 --> 01:36:53,679
The doctors
have done everything.

01:36:53,681 --> 01:36:57,550
I know what you've been through can
have a crippling affect on a man. - terapeuta mówi do niego 'wiem przez przeszedłeś... '
01:46:52,237 --> 01:46:54,607
So what's death like? - więc, jak to jest umierać?

01:46:57,111 --> 01:46:59,113
I wouldn't know. - nie wiedział bym?

01:47:02,348 --> 01:47:04,651
I want to live.
edytowany przez dzarok: 02 mar 2020


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia