Jak tłumaczyć konstrukcję for + rzeczownik / zaimek osobowy + bezokolicznik z to?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Tak jak w tytule. Przykłady:
We arranged for the team to practice in the new facility.
It's crucial for the project to proceed without any delays.
She's excited for her friends to try the special dish she cooked.
Is there time for us to discuss the upcoming presentation?
It's a pleasure for me to help you with your research.
I have a suggestion for you to consider regarding your career.
The company policy allows for employees to work remotely.
It's unusual for him to be absent from the important meetings.
We have a plan for them to join the training session next week.
Is it possible for you to send me the documents by tomorrow?
The goal is for the team to achieve success in the upcoming competition.
It's essential for the information to reach everyone on time.
I find it strange for them to arrive so early without notice.
There's a need for the students to participate actively in class.
It's a challenge for the team to complete the project within budget.
She has a talent for making difficult concepts easy to understand.
It's important for you to clarify your intentions in the conversation.
We have a proposal for the committee to consider at the next meeting.
It's not advisable for the children to play near the construction site.
We made arrangements for the volunteers to assist during the event.
it's important for X to do Y
ważne jest, żeby X zrobił Y

ogólnie rzeczownik po for staje się podmiotem, ale możliwe są inne rozwiazania, np.
we have a proposal for the committee: mamy propozycję, którą chcielibyśmy, żeby komisja rozpatrzyła...
the goal is for the team to achieve success - celem jest osiągnięcie przez zespól sukcesu...

czyli nie ma jednego sposobu tlumaczenia


Studia za granicą


Nauka języka