sprawdzi mi ktos?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
When I’m writing to you I’m sitting in my garden and eating sweet cherries. It’s six o’clock so everybody is still sleeping. This is my favourite part of day because I love quiet. Now the weather is nice but I’m afraid that later it might be too hot. I’ll go to the theatre in the evening with Tom. Tom is my cousin I hope that you’ll know him some day. In last week I was in Spanish riding school in Wien. That was amazing! You must see it!
AS I'm writing to you...It's six o'clock so everybody is still ASLEEP.
...I love quietNESS albo silence.
...cousin I hope that you'll MEET him ONE day. LAST week I was in 'A' Spanish riding school in VIENNA. You must (must - tutaj nie pasuje - to jest za silne slowo - prawie jak rozkaz - lepiej - 'you should see it')


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