Opis codziennego dnia-sprawdzenie i poprawa bledow

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Chcialbym prosic o sprawdzenie pracy i ewentualne dodanie czegoz, by urozmaicic tekst. Prosze rowniez o napisanie mi jak przeczytac po angielsku godziny, ktore sa w tekscie.
O to praca.

I always get up at 6:30. I switch off my alarm clock and go to bathroom. I'm having shower and brush my teeth. Then i get dressed. After that I go to the kitchen to having breakfast. I usually drink tea and eat something. I leave ome at 7:20. I'm going to school 20 minuts. After lessons I eat lunche, do my homework and in free time I'm playing computer games or watching TV. I go to bed befor 11:00.

Pewnie pokrecilem czasy i dlatego prosze o poprawe bledow, ewentualne dodanie jednego, dwoch zdan dla ubarwnienia tekstu. Niestety moj angielski ma sie slabo i nie jestem w stanie napisac czegos lepszego...
Bede wdzieczny za pomoc i z gory dziekuje.
why "in free time I`m playing"? It`s a kind of schedule, daily routine, so, in my op. it szoulb be written as follows" in free time I play, watch"
Dzieki, jeszcze gdzies sa blady ?
i take a shower and brush my teeth.rnAfter that i go to kitchen to have (or better-to prepare) my breakfast.rnetc.dla wyrażenia czynności ktora powtarza się regularnie zwykle używamy present simple.present continuous nie pasuje w tym kotekście wiec pozamieniaj czasy :)
1. I always get up at 6:30 in the morning.
2. ...go to the bathroom.
3. I have/take a shower...
4. Then I...
5. ...to fix/prepare breakfast.
6. -
7. ...leave home...
8. I go to school around 20 minutes.
9. ...I eat lunch... and in free time I play... watch...
10. I go to bed before 11 at night.