
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
ponawiam swoją prośbę i jeszcze raz proszę o przetłumaczenie tego tylko fragmentu
serdecznie Wam dziękuję za pomoc:)

;Wszystko wokół się zmienia
nawet ty
Nasze wspólne mażenia
to My
Małe i duże problemy przeżyjemy to nic
ref;Chcę tu zostać i
zawsze z Tobą być
nawet kiedy będzie żle.
Chcę tu zostać bo
bez Ciebie to
nie mam siły by dalej żyć

Bardzo proszę?!:d
ja znowu Was proszę
to znowu ja!!!!!!!!!!!natrętna jestem?! może jednak????????!!!!!!!
hum sprubowałam przetłumaczyć zwrotkę
tylko nie krzyczcie jak jest sporo błędów proszę o poprawę

Everything in life to change
even you
ours shared dreams
it we
small and big problems
liveds it nothing
everything is changeing around
even you
our common dreams
that we
little and big problems, we will making through, that's nothing
i want to stay here
and always be with you
even when will be bad
because without you
i don't have strenght to live

napisane z marszu, lepiej niech ktos to jeszcze sprawdzi...
everything is changeing around
even you
our common dreams
that we
little and big problems, we will making through, that's nothing
i want to stay here
and always be with you
even when will be bad
because without you
i don't have strenght to live

napisane z marszu, lepiej niech ktos to jeszcze sprawdzi...
everything is changeing around
even you
our common dreams
that we
little and big problems, we will making through, that's nothing
i want to stay here
and always be with you
even when will be bad
because without you
i don't have strenght to live

napisane z marszu, lepiej niech ktos to jeszcze sprawdzi...
everything is changeing around
even you
our common dreams
that we
little and big problems, we will making through, that's nothing
i want to stay here
and always be with you
even when will be bad
because without you
i don't have strenght to live

napisane z marszu, lepiej niech ktos to jeszcze sprawdzi...
everything is changeing around
even you
our common dreams
that we
little and big problems, we will making through, that's nothing
i want to stay here
and always be with you
even when will be bad
because without you
i don't have strenght to live

napisane z marszu, lepiej niech ktos to jeszcze sprawdzi...
everything is changeing around
even you
our common dreams
that we
little and big problems, we will making through, that's nothing
i want to stay here
and always be with you
even when will be bad
because without you
i don't have strenght to live

napisane z marszu, lepiej niech ktos to jeszcze sprawdzi...
everything is changeing around
even you
our common dreams
that we
little and big problems, we will making through, that's nothing
i want to stay here
and always be with you
even when will be bad
because without you
i don't have strenght to live

napisane z marszu, lepiej niech ktos to jeszcze sprawdzi...
everything is changeing around
even you
our common dreams
that we
little and big problems, we will making through, that's nothing
i want to stay here
and always be with you
even when will be bad
because without you
i don't have strenght to live

napisane z marszu, lepiej niech ktos to jeszcze sprawdzi...
everything is changeing around
even you
our common dreams
that we
little and big problems, we will making through, that's nothing
i want to stay here
and always be with you
even when will be bad
because without you
i don't have strenght to live

napisane z marszu, lepiej niech ktos to jeszcze sprawdzi...
everything is changeing around
even you
our common dreams
that we
little and big problems, we will making through, that's nothing
i want to stay here
and always be with you
even when will be bad
because without you
i don't have strenght to live

napisane z marszu, lepiej niech ktos to jeszcze sprawdzi...
everything is changeing around
even you
our common dreams
that we
little and big problems, we will making through, that's nothing
i want to stay here
and always be with you
even when will be bad
because without you
i don't have strenght to live

napisane z marszu, lepiej niech ktos to jeszcze sprawdzi...
everything is changeing around
even you
our common dreams
that we
little and big problems, we will making through, that's nothing
i want to stay here
and always be with you
even when will be bad
because without you
i don't have strenght to live

napisane z marszu, lepiej niech ktos to jeszcze sprawdzi...
hej dzieki tez skończyłam pisanie pisanie
bardzo naprawdę bardzo Ci dziękuję:D:)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Studia językowe


Pomoc językowa