Zalety i wady robienie zakupów w hipermarketach

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o poprawienie tej rozprawki, która jest napisana naprawdę prostym językiem. Ale oczywiście jak to ja zrobiłam pewnie błędy...zwłaszcza te gramatyczne...
Oto ona:

Most people do shopping in hypermarkets because it is very popular. However some person think that in big shops can do shopping longer than in small shops. But other people think that in hypermarkets is cheaper.
It seems to me that shopping in hypermarkets is better. It is easy, fast and comfortable.
Firstly hypermarkets offer the customers a wide range of products. There are products of different sort. For istance 10 kinds of shampoo, 15 toothpaste and 20 desodorants. It is very convenient to have such choice with different prices and quality. In addition prices usually are lower than in small shops. What is more there are also such products that don’t even exist in small shop as: exotic fruit, electronics and sport equipment.
Secondly in hypermarket there are often sales promotions and sellouts so you can buy cheap article which usually are much expensive.
Apart from this, near hypermarkets there are often restaurants where you can eat, drink coffee or tea, rest and meet with friends.
On the other hand hypermarkets are usually very crowded. There are long queues to the checkout tills especially at the weekend. Therefore hypermarkets are very noisy and some people left big shop more weary than was when arrived to shop.
Another drawback is that the consumer goods are often not fresh because hypermarkets must lower the quality if they want to drop the prices. In addition in big shops is many products thus this which are in shops longer often are out of date.
Finally there is also limited customer assistance and it is very difficult to ask about specific product. It impede find a product so you must spend more time in shop.
On balance, it seems that shopping in hypermarkets have as many disadvantages as positive aspects. The decision where we will buy is our personal choice. However in my opinion shopping in hypermarkets are more advantages than against.

No i jeszcze jest taki mały mam mieć max 250 słów a mi wyszło 300 (ja nie umiem pisać krótko:/) więc powiedzcie które zdania są jakby nie potrzebne albo jak je można zamienić na krótsze...
Pomożecie? Bardzo proszę...:)
JA wiem, że jest piątek wieczorem, ale napisalam to dziś, bo może przez week ktoś się zlituje:)
Although shopping in hypermarkets has probably as many disadvantages as positive aspects it is very popular these days to shop there. In my opinion shopping in hypermarkets is better than shopping in small shops. It is easy and convenient. Hypermarkets offer a wide range of products, for instance 10 kinds of shampoo, 15 kinds of toothpaste and 20 deodorants. It is very convenient to have choices of different prices and quality. Besides prices are usually lower than in small shops. What's more, there are also products that don't even exist in small shops, such as exotic fruit, electronics and sport equipment.
In hypermarkets there are often promotions and sales so you can buy articles which otherwise would be much more expensive.
Apart from this, there are restaurants near hypermarkets where you can eat, drink coffee or tea, rest and meet friends.
On the other hand hypermarkets are usually very crowded. There are long queues to the checkout tills, especially on weekends. Hypermarkets are very noisy and some people find them very exhausting.
Another drawback is that the cheaper grocery in hypermarkets are often not fresh due to lower quality.
Lastly there is also a limited customer assistance in big hypermarkets and it is very difficult to find out about a specific product.

OK, zlitowalem sie i ci to poprawilem i skrocilem. Porownaj ten tekst ze swoim oryginalnym tekstem, zebys wiedziala gdzie sa poprawki i co zostalo zmienione.
Tekst ma 221 slow.
nawet nie wiesz jak Ci jestem wdzięczna:)


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